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You are NOT going to believe this!


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I have been dating an ADULT man for well over 6 months now. He has spent well over 40 nights at my place. However, something really strange happened a few nights ago. My dear friend.....wet the bed. Yes, for some reason WE woke up in...urine that belong to him. I am very embarrassed to share this with you (thank God for the internet), however I wish that someone would shed some light on this situation.


I mean, I now that animals do this to "mark there territory" but I have never come accross a human being that would subconciously (I hope) do such a thing. Let me mention that he has no history (that I know of) of bed wetting pass the age of 8.

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I can understand how this can seem strange, but unless this is something that is happening all the time i don't think you any thing to worry about. If it continues it could be a bladder control problem, or maybe[and not probable a fetish]either way i would not make a big deal of this unless it continues.

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