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wanted to know

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hey...i have a crush on this guy..first we strated to notice eachother in the hall wayz of our school and after couple of months i got my friend to ask for his screen name cusz i really cant be on the phone that much, after that we started talkin online buh i alwayz IM him first but he alwayz imz me wen im on my away message like last time i was away and he IMed me seyin "cant sey hi" and the 2nd time was wen i left my aim on at night around 12 but had my away message on and he IMz me seying "dame go to sleep already" and he is usually on his cell phone cusz hez more of a outside person he doesnt like staying home datz y he goes online form his cellie...and he asked me couple of timez to comeover. first time was when he told me he was gona play b-ball wid his cuzins as soon as dey come over and i was like i wanna see u play and he goes come over and den he askz me if i know how to play pool and im like no and den he goes come over i'll teach u i have a pool table. and yesturday we were talkin about classes and i tell him i suk in math nd i shud take tutoring from him since hez smart in it and den he asked me to come over and also said no onez home but i thought he was playin around so i started playing along nd im like oh so where did everyone go hez like i donno i was sleepin nd i typed "aww" nd den he askz me if im comin ... nd wenn we see eachother in da hallz we look at eachother in da eyez wid a smile on our face and he does know i like him but does he like me back?

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