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How can I get him back?


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My boyfriend broke it off with me a couple of days ago. We have been together for almost 3 yrs and had a good relationship. He is 47 and I am 34. He is everything I want. He has two children (5 & 13) by two different woman and doesn't want anymore. I have one child (17). Anyway, I became pregnant and we decided to terminate. During that time he became distant, which is something I am used to because that is how he reacts when he feels uncomfortable with a situation. Anyway, I expected it to go away like it normally does, but it didn't. We talked about our expectations and I told him that I wasn't sure if I wanted to have anymore children or not, but I didn't want the choice taken away from me. A week later he told me that he felt I wouldn't be happy in the relationship because he didn't want anymore children and he was taking the choice of whether or not to have children away from me. He told me that he loved me and it was hard for him to end it, but that was his decision. Needless to say I cried on his shoulder. When he left I asked him if there was a chance and he said he doubted it? What can I do? How can I try to get him back without being pathetic? I am trying hard not to call him, but my resolve is weakening. It hasn't even been a week yet. Please advise

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Without a doubt you should not pursue this situation, give him a chance to think about his position, presure or over play will just create distance between you. If there is real substance between you he will come around. I no it's hard but be patient and things might work out.

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