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New Guy On Board Here, Just looking for other peoples 2 cents worth to make of this situation.


I've been reading alot of stuff on this site and i still couldnt find the answers I was looking for. I've met this girl whos a friend of my friends wife a 2 years ago, whos a single mother. Before it was just a few light conversation when there was a get together but recently(after ive done some work at her apartment) she has been more friendlier, open, talkative, more "hugs".


Now I've read the thread "how to find out if a girl likes you" but it still doesnt clairify the situation im in. Last time I saw her was a few weeks ago and three days ago when I was over at her parents house for her graduation, she seemed really happy to see me, told me she was glad i could come(i guess that goes for all the guest and most of the guest where like friends of her father). Telling me how she hasnt seen me for a long time(more than once), i should come over for dinner sometime, and when we were alone we had a talk about her private life.


The two things that really raised my eye brow is when one of the question i asked her part of her answer to that response was ".... now i kind of want a bf..." the second was when I dropped her off home she said "thanks give me a call sometime if you want to go see a movie or other stuff".


Now can somebody please clairfy whats the bloody hell is going on????

Does that mean as my not so bright friend calls "you are so in" or is just being a friendly gesture. Also if i already did talk to her about going to the movies and mention if my friend and her friend(friends wife) could come along as well mean anything as well?????


Thanks for all the opinions in advance.



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If you like this girl... do not do a double date for the movies or dinner. Show your confidence! If she is important, you would rather be alone (and vice versa).


I say Give it a week or so, call her up and ask her if she would like to join you for a movie the following night (not the same night as the telephone call). If she has plans, she can cancel them to go with you with due notice. You can find your answer in the response from her. It sounds to me, she is already dropping HUGE hints to you -- give it a shot, what have you got loose?!





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