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When Harry Met Sally..........

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I think most of us on here can identify with the movie 'When Harry Met Sally'! Whenever I see that it brings back so many memories of my FWB I had in college!!! I'm only in my mid-twenties so this was not soooo long ago! But. anyway I think Billy Crystals' character was right Men & Women cannot be FRIENDS!!!! Sex does always get in the way because sooner or later someone will have feelings for the other and in most cases those feelings are not reciprocated!!! I feel like this FWB from college is my soul-mate (I truly do!!!!), we still talk almost everyday and we definitely flirt!!! We don't really talk about other relationships to each other. Well last nite we had ph. sex-- and alot of things were said-- but I'm afraid it was just the heat of the moment for him, but it wasn't for ME!!!!! Men help me out w/ this please how do you know if a guy wants you-- really wants YOU!!!

Am I just a glutton for punishment?????

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A guy who really wants you will try to make you his. Phone sex...eh...I'm not sure what to make of that, since you used to be fwb. It may mean nothing, or it may mean that he's remembering your sex life together, or it may mean he's starting to think of you as someone he'd like to date.


I'd recommend not obssessing over it, continuing your life as you have been, and if he wants you to be his girlfriend, he'll tell you.

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