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very curious about this...

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Need an older man's perspective (preferably), how would you feel if a younger woman (not just a few years younger) showed interest in you? Would you think it was strange? Would you feel awkward? How likely would it be that you would be interested in someone considerably younger? And (last question i promise) if you were interested in a younger female how would you show it?

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Need an older man's perspective (preferably), how would you feel if a younger woman (not just a few years younger) showed interest in you? Would you think it was strange? Would you feel awkward? How likely would it be that you would be interested in someone considerably younger? And (last question i promise) if you were interested in a younger female how would you show it?


Yeah, I am interested in seeing some replies for this issue as well...

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i know that my not being an older man partially disqualifies my answer but il try anyway. this may be my personal opinion but i find people that are significantly younger then me to have a largly different pool of friends, things their interested in, and style of life in general.


people of similar age have been through experiences that help them to relate a little better and i find that whenever i interact with younger people(by a lot) it just feels awkward rather then how i feel talking to someone my own age. COULD i find someone younger then me attractive? sure, but will i persue it? not unless im super drunk;) simply because people at different points in life have WAY different goals usually, this is a HUGE hurdle...


my 2 cents.



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what do you consider an older man? I'm 38, so i'll give it a shot:


If a youger woman started coming onto me (i'm assuming you mean like 10 or more years younger) I'd go through these stages in this order:


1) I would be very flattered


2) Then I would wonder what it would be like to sleep with a younger woman again (- standard male reaction - men all conciously or subconciously have a "hit it/ or not hit it" flag that goes off in our heads all the time - regardless if we want it to go off or not)


3) I would then assess whether she was gold digging.


4) then I would debate whether or not I care if she's gold digging: would I hit it or not? - some people say money isn't eveything.


5) then I'd remember all the reasons I avoid younger women - the life experience maturity level just isn't there, and older women around my age, give or take 4 years, just seem sexier (to me at least)


6) Then I'd debate whether I should just hit it, and feel good about the great memory I will have of it for the rest of my life.


7) Then I wonder if the memory would even be that good. I like women who are comfortable about their bodies and their sexuality - which means closer to my age - as it makes for some quality lovin with some style, rather then manic early twenties hormone driven sex.


8) Finally the debate as to whether I could hang out with this younger person and even talk to them after sex.....When I always get to this point I pass on the debate in favor of ladies around my age. Eventually the "hit it/ or not hit it" flag goes down in my head, and I realize that there's more to a relationship then sex, and for me, a much younger woman probably doesn't have anything to offer me (mentally or emotionally) that I haven't experienced before.


Of course all of the above passes through my head in the first 10 minutes of meeting someone, so, the decision is usually made very rapidly as to whether I'm going to continue to except the younger womans flattery or just not show any interest in her, so she'll go away and find someone right for her.



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what do you consider an older man? I'm 38, so i'll give it a shot:


If a youger woman started coming onto me (i'm assuming you mean like 10 or more years younger) I'd go through these stages in this order:


1) I would be very flattered


2) Then I would wonder what it would be like to sleep with a younger woman again (- standard male reaction - men all conciously or subconciously have a "hit it/ or not hit it" flag that goes off in our heads all the time - regardless if we want it to go off or not)


3) I would then assess whether she was gold digging.


4) then I would debate whether or not I care if she's gold digging: would I hit it or not? - some people say money isn't eveything.


5) then I'd remember all the reasons I avoid younger women - the life experience maturity level just isn't there, and older women around my age, give or take 4 years, just seem sexier (to me at least)


6) Then I'd debate whether I should just hit it, and feel good about the great memory I will have of it for the rest of my life.


7) Then I wonder if the memory would even be that good. I like women who are comfortable about their bodies and their sexuality - which means closer to my age - as it makes for some quality lovin with some style, rather then manic early twenties hormone driven sex.


8) Finally the debate as to whether I could hang out with this younger person and even talk to them after sex.....When I always get to this point I pass on the debate in favor of ladies around my age. Eventually the "hit it/ or not hit it" flag goes down in my head, and I realize that there's more to a relationship then sex, and for me, a much younger woman probably doesn't have anything to offer me (mentally or emotionally) that I haven't experienced before.


Of course all of the above passes through my head in the first 10 minutes of meeting someone, so, the decision is usually made very rapidly as to whether I'm going to continue to except the younger womans flattery or just not show any interest in her, so she'll go away and find someone right for her.




So this is what MEN think when a pretty lady hits on them? :laugh:

Thanks for the post. It is very entertaining. :laugh:

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Well i'm 21 years old so yes in fact a 38 year old (to me) is considered an 'older man'. I did have a specific age range in mind when i posted my questions (about 35-45 yrs), so you're right. Anyway I really hope at least some older men do not think this way, for my sake. I'm interested in an older guy (more then 10yrs) so I wanted to get an idea of what he would be thinking of a younger female paying attention to him. I understand this is your opinion, and I appreciate you posting, however i'm confused when you say that a younger woman has nothing to offer you mentally or emotionally that you haven't experienced before. Do you mean to say that all young women are the same? Mentality wise.

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WHat if it was an older woman hitting on a younger guy by two year difference????

Yeah, we'd hit that too!

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In my case it was about 5-8 years, she was a late teenager while I was mid twenties.


I was flatter and disgusted that I was attracting a "youngin" maturity wise and partially life wise.


Now if it was to happen again I would not be disgusted by that same girl because I'm low 30's and she mid twenties.

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I'm 32 and if a 22 year old girl was hitting on me, I'd listen in to see what she's like. Some 22 year old girls are much more mature than others. On the other hand, if the girl was 18, I'd be very flattered, but also very wary. I'd be suspicious that maybe her and her girlfriends were just playing sort of an inside joke on me. Girls that are that young can be very attractive and flirty, but VERY annoying. They giggle and gossip about teenage boys and talk about the GAP and are normally boring to converse with. They have no life experience and don't know jack about anything.


But hey, if I was drunk and I knew her momma wouldn't find out, BRING IT ON!

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Need an older man's perspective (preferably), how would you feel if a younger woman (not just a few years younger) showed interest in you? Would you think it was strange? Would you feel awkward? How likely would it be that you would be interested in someone considerably younger? And (last question i promise) if you were interested in a younger female how would you show it?


Now this post makes me feel old...I never thought of myself as "older," but I guess I am. As a 45 year old male, I would be flattered, but I would try to be careful that I understood the signals correctly. Was she just being nice? Is she really interested? So I would wait a while and probably let her make the first move so as not to embarass either one of us. Or, I might make a friendly overture that could be interpreted in one of two ways and see how she takes it. I have dated younger women (one was 14 years younger) and older women (one was 19 years older). The younger woman is still one of my dearest friends. BTW, I am married, so I am speaking hypothetically here ;)


One of the other posters made a good point about experience...politics, music and social mores are all different for different age groups. However, I have worked with younger people my entire adult life, most often as a retail manager, and with the exception of my wife and several long-time friends, most of my current acquaintances are between 21-30 years old. Because of that, I may find it easier to date someone younger than a man who is used to being around only older people.


Personally, I always appreciate candor. So if I were single and a younger woman came up to me and asked if I would like to go out sometime, I would like that and would say yes. Ditto if an older woman asked me. A date does not a relationship make, and widening one's circle of friends to include other ages is a plus to me.

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