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Girls are superwoman


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Recent newspaper article states that women are taking over and that the weaker sex, men are inching towards becoming obsolete. I think that this is a good thing because most men are hateful, aggressive, racist bastards and generally evil


women should become the world leaders and there will no longer be any wars based on pretty macho stances

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So it's becoming normal these days to make up fake newspaper articles, huh? Interesting. Maybe I should try it.


I recently read in the paper that a 90 year old woman gave birth to a 50 lb. baby cow!


Wow, that was fun.


As for your generalization of men, I sure feel sorry for you, whether or not you're male or female. Either way you're getting screwed ... either you ARE one of these stereotypical "males" as you call them, or you're a female that's never had a date in her life.


Because I've met a lot of men in my life ... my dad, grandfather, uncles, brother, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, boyfriends ... and never had the experience you have.


Perhaps you live on another planet? Sure doesn't seem like it could be far from the truth.

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By your statement you are doing the very thing you accuse men of: being hateful, aggressive, racist (in a gender sense).


If you envision yourself to be the kind of woman who should rule the world: Goddess help us!


There is good in both genders and believe me, we need each other to be truly good and balanced. To find peace we dont need one gender to rule the other, we need to work together and respect each other!


I dont want men to be like women and I dont want to become a man.


With all the hate you have in you, please go for counseling to find peace within yourself, to respect yourself and others, female and male. Love generates love and hate generates hate, till you are able to love and give up hate, you will not be able to find your own peace of mind. And how could someone who is full of hate bring peace to the world? Get real girl!

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