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Have I been cheated

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Dear all


I get married in 1990

I never had problem with her until 1995

She was a woman who didn´t like sex too much and used to have

anger crises sometimes (bipolar disorder)


In 1995, she started a phone friendship with Bill, a police man from 911, who

was help her to solve a little neighbor argue


I used to work in a city 40 miles away

I only got home only at week ends


On a sunday at 5pm, I heard she into the bathroom, on the wireless phone talking to Bill


When I got close, she just hung up the phone and looked at me very scared

She refused to comment about that and got depressed for 4 months


In 2001, already in another city she had a severe anger crisis and we argued a lot


She said:


Do you really wanna know ?


” I had sexual relation with Bill, because I loved him “


The fact of the said “ because I loved him” let me very confused


I suffered a lot because I was very faithful to her , never cheated her


In 2004 I started to cheat her, and I cheat her until now as revenge


My question is:


”If you were me, would you believe this woman really cheated you ?”





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If she told you she cheated then I guess she did. Not sure why she would tell you that unless it was true. Unless she did it for spite or to make you jealous. 2 wrongs don't make a right by you cheating as well. I understand you are upset, but do you think marraige counseling might help you both? Do you feel this is a fixable situation? If so get into some marriage counseling. You both sound kind of young, may I ask your ages?





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