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To have sex with him, or to not have sex with him


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We grew up together, grew apart for some time, than we became intimate. I held his hand and even typed all his agreements for his divorce. I sympothize for him because of the effect of the divorce has warped his mind. I love him dearly, and want to see him happy. He is close with my family and we will ultiamtly be in each others lives for a very long time. He has very deep feelings for me and says he has to draw the line when it comes to anything more than sex. If we spend to much time together he needs us to spend time apart. The time we do spend with each other is usually a couple of hours a week. One night we made love all night and he spent the night for the first time in a year and told me he loved me the next morning. When he feels close to me he starts to fight me and himself like a mad bull dog. What do I do?


The last words he has said to me was "I cant give you what you want, but do what your heart wants. Stew on it for a few days and give me a call." I havent called yet, My heart wants sex along with dinner, or a movie. These are the things he says he cant give me. Any advice is nice. Thanks

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Divorce is nasty stuff. it sounds like he has not quite come to terms with his own emotions. Maybe the best thing you can do is make an agreement that you won't see each other for a solid month. There is a good chance he will be able to sort out his feelings one way or another. I think if you continue as is you might be putting any chance of a good lasting relationship in the dog house. Give him and yourself the chance to find out if this relationship has the chance of being long term. Best wishes.

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Velvet, have you listened to yourself? Read your post one more time...but as if someone *else* had written it. What advice would you give me or some other poor woman who was being told she is good enough for sex and nothing else?????


And then...simply told to "stew on it, then call me!"




We grew up together, grew apart for some time, than we became intimate. I held his hand and even typed all his agreements for his divorce. I sympothize for him because of the effect of the divorce has warped his mind. I love him dearly, and want to see him happy. He is close with my family and we will ultiamtly be in each others lives for a very long time. He has very deep feelings for me and says he has to draw the line when it comes to anything more than sex. If we spend to much time together he needs us to spend time apart. The time we do spend with each other is usually a couple of hours a week. One night we made love all night and he spent the night for the first time in a year and told me he loved me the next morning. When he feels close to me he starts to fight me and himself like a mad bull dog. What do I do? The last words he has said to me was "I cant give you what you want, but do what your heart wants. Stew on it for a few days and give me a call." I havent called yet, My heart wants sex along with dinner, or a movie. These are the things he says he cant give me. Any advice is nice. Thanks
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