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Why is LOVE SO Hurtful?


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Well the last six weeks has been the worst I have ever encountered in my life. There were other situations that were more worst, but didn't linger for so long. My current situation is a broken heart. Six weeks ago my g/f of three and a half years broke up with me. There were reason as to why she did but nothing serious. We still talk on the phone but we haven't seen each other for the last two weeks!


I'm not sure how she's taking it but it seems she's doing just fine. Her voice sounds very cheerful as to say she's happy that were not together anymore. That's what bothers me the most!! Does she realize how hurt I am? How can a person feel no pain or emptiness after such a long relationship? Is she feeling any pain herself or is she just hiding it knowing that she knows what's it doing to me! How can a person tell you she loves you so much and yet dump you. How can love be so magical and yet be so destructive?I ask myself these questions and still haven't come up with an answer! Reponses will be so helpful!!!!!

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I'm sorry that you are going through this. She may very well be hurt by the breakup also, but since she broke up with you, maybe she's trying to sound cheerful and happy on purpose. It doesn't mean that she doesn't feel any pain or that she doesn't love you. Who knows? But that's not what matters right now.


What's important is that you two have ended your relationship and now you need to find a way to heal your broken heart and move on. You need to be strong here. You need to distance yourself away from her and end your phone conversations. Continuing to talk to her will only slow down the healing process. Even though you want to talk to her and you want to be with her, she has made a decision...and trying to stay in touch with her will only push her away.


If she's the one that is calling, you need to tell her to stop...you need to cut off contact with her. She should know that this is a very painful thing to deal with, and that she should give you time alone. If she expects to break up with you and still continue to talk to you, she's being pretty selfish and inconsiderate.


You also need to keep yourself occupied and not sit around too much thinking about this. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off her. Go out with friends, get a hobby, read a book, get out of the house. The more time you spend involved in other activities, the less time you will think of her.


Take care...

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Boy is that a question and a half!!! There are no quick easy answers to that question except i have seen situations where it seem as the other person is moving on, happy like since there not with life is wonderfull. But 99% of the time, in time there world comes tumbling down. Take sept 11th for an example: There was this young man who's father was killed in one of the planes, this young man was emotionless

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