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ATTN: darcy38 & sparkle


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Just want to thank the both of you for answering my message. It's been tough dealing with this kind of situation


because this was my first long term relationship. I had other G/F's whom I cared about but the one that just ended was someone whom I loved and cared tremendously. We've been through alot especially when she was having problems at school. I've always been there for her but now when I need her the most she isn't there for me! I just feel so lonely!!! I miss her so much that it hurts me to go outside and do things. Everywhere I go, there's seems to be something that reminds me of her. May it be the corner store or just going into work reminds me of her ( We met at my present job). I try not to think about what's happened but it's not easy!!! I can't sleep or eat! Socially, I'm blind!!


I feel so sick when I look at women or when they come up to me to chat at a club or lounge!! I know it's going to take some time to get over her but the more time I'm away from her it hurts me more. I know and she knows that what has happened between us is fixable but somehow she doesn't want to do that!! She wants to be alone for a awhile!! I respect her wishes but the doubt in her mind makes me wonder how much do I really mean to her! Is her love for me as strong as my love for her? Somehow I don't understand!!! I've learned a life lesson from all this: Keep one foot in and one foot out when in a relationship. If somehow it doesn't work out, at least you stil have one foot to hold you up!!!


What do you think????? Reponses will be greatly appreciated.

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This is the most critical time in this horrible emotional state!!! You are in a fierce battle between Denial and acceptance. Acceptance will prevail, but not right away. It is so easy to fall in that trap of wondering what going through her mind. It is understandable because of your love for her. This extreme emotional pain does not stay contant, it can be pervasive and you must counter act this by trying many differant coping devices. They say that the greatest act of love is when you can let them go, if you truly love this person muster all the stenght you have and wish she is happy and try to get through this emotional crisis. Don't put up walls where relationships are concerned this will only create problems in future situations. Ther are many possible reasons why this relationship did not work out, Don't punish your self but rather try and learn from it. There are always possibilities Spoke said, this relationship might not be entierly over, but if you can be strong the possibilities of this or any other relationship in the future working out will be strongly increased. Hang in there my friend!!! Darcy

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