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remember me, well there is new news!


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Hey everyone, a couple of weeks ago I posted a msg talking about a man I have been dating who had an ex "stalking" him, and I gave him the opportunity to either put a halt to it or I was ending it, well BOY have things changed, I should have listened to the advice I received here instead of my heart.


That weekend after posting, he called me, extremely sad and missing me, he told me that he had severed all ties wth the other woman, and even came to pick me up from a party I was at 1 am just to see me! I was so elated that things may finally be going right, I should have been more cautious. We spent the rest of the weekend together and had a wonderful time, he even told me he thought he loved me! WELL, every other weekend he has his son, and that leaves us with only 2 weekends a month to have alone "together" time. This past weekend was his alone weekend. On Wed of this past week everything was great, he came over and helped a friend of mine MOVE, we joked around, had incredible sex, etc...SO on Thrusday, I call to see whats happening he says he will call back, no call. (He had his son that night), Friday, I call and once again he was busy, I got a tad frustrated. When he finally called back at 11:30 in the afternoon, I asked him what the plans for the weekend were because I still had to help my friend move Friday night. He then told me he had plans with the guys Sat. night, which meant we would not be seeing each other. I got angry, this was the 3rd "off" weekend he has had that we did not have quality time together, and i told him that I am not the type of woman who was just going to be around during the work week to have dinner and sex with and thats it, Im worth more. Well, here is the kicker, he then tells me that he thinks we need to move on and he doesnt want to see me anymore!!! Remember that just 2 days before everything was fine! He had NO explanation, just told me that he wasnt worthy (recently got laid off) and that I could do much better. I told him that was my choice not his. He then tried to pawn it off to a lack of chemistry, I told him that was a lame excuse because if we had nothing else, chemistry was it and he finally agreed! Im not looking for answers I just wanted to vent. I just cant understand why men are so damned afraid of me. Granted, I have been told I am extremely beautiful, I have a VP job at 32 and do very well for myself. But inside, I am every mans dream! Im attentive and supportive, sweet and loyal, why is it so hard for me to find love?????????


Thanks for letting me vent.........

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I'm glad you are not looking for answers, because I don't have any. I have lots of opinions and other off-hand comments I could make, but they are just that.


I don't know what other kind of trouble you have had in the past with finding or keeping a partner, but it sounds to me like you are not going to let anybody jerk you around. That should be a good start for a better future.


Good Luck!

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