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starting out as friends

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Recently, I met someone and we have been talking for 2 weeks, been out on 2 dates. He tells me that he rather be friends first, take it slow and see what happens. It was kinda of a blow to me because it made me think that he doesn't like me. But all my friends are telling me that is not the case he just wants to take things slower (something I am not used to). Before this conversation, I was getting the vibe that he does like me and finds me attractive. I am just afraid that the more I get to know him, the more I will like him and it will be hard just being friends especially if the frienship never turns into anything more. My friends say I should give it a chance, but I just don't know what to do.

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Dating is about taking the time to get to know each other. You only met a couple of weeks ago, so unless he just wants to get his rocks off, he's going to want to get to know you better before making you his girlfriend exclusively.


What to do? You can take it slow, as he requested, and get to know him as a person and see if you would be a good match. You can (and should) also date other people, so he's not the only guy in your life and you don't get too hung up on him while you're still just getting to know each other.


If you get all insecure and insist he date you, you will probably end up pushing him away.

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Yea you are right, I know all this. I am just very wary about friends and dating. To me the two concepts are exclusive. I actually am talking to other people so I am not just seeing him. I guess we shall see how it goes.

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To me the two concepts are exclusive.


They aren't. Just have a read of how many people fall for their friends in the 'friends' section of LS. For many, friendship is the path to love.

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You are thinking like a women. Men can be friends first and still want a physical relationship. They can turn a friendship into a romance. Just because he wants to get to know you doesn't mean you are in the friends zone. If he finds you attractive then he will want the friendship to become physical when he becomes comfortable with your relationship. If you like him I would just be patient and wait for the signs that he is ready to take it to the next level.

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Yamaha is dead on.


I really like to get to know someone before I start a relationship. This has got me trapt in the "friend zone" a couple of times but generally it just takes a few weeks of talking and hanging out for me to decide that I'm willing to make an emotional investment.


I think this behavior is typical of "relationship" men. I prefer to have a girldfriend then be dating and because of that I take time to get to know women.


Try rubbing your shoulders and say you've got some tension in your neck. If he doesn't get the clue, ask him to rub your neck. Use that to get closer to him. That move always works on me.

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