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Living Together


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I am living with my gf for a while now. We have been going out close onto 5 years in which she already had 3 jobs. I recently bought a house. I also got a very good job. But just as I got my new job, she quit her job without having another job lined up. It has been 2 months now with her being unemployed and she has made little or no effort to get another and in the mean while I am feeling the financial punch. I will definitely survive financially without her. What should I do, cause she has absolutely little ambition.

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Sounds like she has gotten a bit too comfortable. Maybe its time you gave her an ultimatum. Explain that while you love her, you can not afford to support the BOTH of you. At the same time, if the house is "yours", you should not expect her to help pay your morgage unless her name is on the deed as well. However, as long as she's living under your roof, she should be paying her share of the grocery and utility bills as well as helping out with whatever needs to be done around the house...unless the two of you had some agreement stating otherwise.


Perhaps she will make more of an effort once you communicate your feelings. Than again, she may get insulted and leave altogether. Either way, you'll find out what her true intentions are.

I am living with my gf for a while now. We have been going out close onto 5 years in which she already had 3 jobs. I recently bought a house. I also got a very good job. But just as I got my new job, she quit her job without having another job lined up. It has been 2 months now with her being unemployed and she has made little or no effort to get another and in the mean while I am feeling the financial punch. I will definitely survive financially without her. What should I do, cause she has absolutely little ambition.
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Just because her name might not be on the mortgage doesn't mean she should be able to live their for free. Even couples that live together split the rent or mortgage payment. Why should he pay to be putting a roof over her head? Sounds like she's fully capable of working, just lazy. Not a good sign. Sounds like she's looking for a free ride. I say dump her and fast.

Sounds like she has gotten a bit too comfortable. Maybe its time you gave her an ultimatum. Explain that while you love her, you can not afford to support the BOTH of you. At the same time, if the house is "yours", you should not expect her to help pay your morgage unless her name is on the deed as well. However, as long as she's living under your roof, she should be paying her share of the grocery and utility bills as well as helping out with whatever needs to be done around the house...unless the two of you had some agreement stating otherwise. Perhaps she will make more of an effort once you communicate your feelings. Than again, she may get insulted and leave altogether. Either way, you'll find out what her true intentions are.
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