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Any ?(Cheating Issue)

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:mad: Hello im a 33 yr old male in ny and 3 years ago i made a huge mistake i went on yahoo and posted nude photo and was talking to women never met any of them NEVER! just play flirt but i understand it was wrong i understoood her point but it upset wife and i understand. well lately i have been diagnosed with pshedosezures and cannot work or drive until released from a doctor. well i went and had my wife get a laptop for me to use while i was out of commission and for some reason the same old old photo poped back on yahoo which i havent been on in 3 yrs so i dont know if it ever deleted it it i was talking to people woman and guys now just loooking ot be friends wife was even using the laptop i wasnt afraid of hiding anything because i wasnt doing anything well she found that pic on the profile which i never checked because i dont check my own profile. and wigged the F^%$ out called me a cheater and omg all these dirty names i havent done anythinhg wrong and she dont believe me. we fight big time now i love my wife and if anything im afraid of her leaving me because she had gastric bypass she was a size 24-26 now shes like a size 6 so im very jealous but i dont know what to do i told her ill cancel everything aol yahoo msn anything that has to do with internet. i mean yes she is jeoulous why i have no idea im not the greatest looking guy on this planet! we even went to a dance recital for her niece and she was like who u looking at which one u watching so i might as well just look at the ground when i go or not even go but then shell think im doing something. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME
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Lets make a deal, you throw some punctuations in your post and I'll reread it and make my comment.

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Not good at it especially when pissed of being accused of doing something I didnt do. So i'll wait, sorry but thanks I need help with that problem not schooling so thanks anyways.

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Not good at it especially when pissed of being accused of doing something I didnt do. So i'll wait, sorry but thanks I need help with that problem not schooling so thanks anyways.


I'm not trying to put you down, but it is very hard to read and decipher a post that has no puncuation. How are we supposed to know where a sentence starts and begins? Trust me most people just give up after a few sentences and move on to another post.

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Hello IM a 33 yr. old male in NY, and 3 years ago I made a huge mistake I went on yahoo and posted nude photo and was talking to women, never met any of them NEVER! Just play flirt but I understood her when she said it was wrong i understood her point but it upset wife and I understand. Well lately I have been diagnosed with pshedosezures and cannot work or drive until released from a doctor. I went and had my wife get a laptop for me to use while I was out of commission and for some reason the same old old photo popped back on yahoo which I haven't been on in 3 yrs. So I don't know if it ever deleted it it I was talking to people woman and guys now just looking to be friends wife was even using the laptop because I wasn't afraid of hiding anything because i wasnt doing anything. Well she found that PIC on the profile which I never checked because I don't check my own profile,and wigged the F^%$ out called me a cheater and omg all these dirty names I haven't done anything wrong and she don't believe me. We fight big time now I love my wife and if anything IM afraid of her leaving me because she had gastric bypass, she was a size 24-26 now she's like a size 6 so IM very jealous but I don't know what to do I told her ill cancel everything AOL yahoo MSN anything that has to do with Internet. I mean yes she is jealous why???, I have no idea IM not the greatest looking guy on this planet! We even went to a dance recital for her niece and she was like who u looking at which one u watching so I might as well just look at the ground when I go or not even go but then shell think IM doing something. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME

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Much better ;)


OK, well first of you sounds like you guys both have some serious jealousy issues. The reason your wife is jealous isn't really about your looks, it is because you were willing to share an intimate part of you with random women online!! Wouldn't you be jealous if she shared her new sexy lil size 6 body in some naked pictures online, for all to see? It isn't necessarily about looks, it is about you belonging to each other. Noone else should allowed to partake in your sexual life.


By posting nude pictures of yourself, you are obviously looking for something sexual. Why else would you post nudes? IF you were looking for "just friends" then why not just post a normal picture where you are fully clothed? Especially if you were looking for male friends, or are you bisexual? I can totally understand why your wife is upset. I suggest you guys get counseling.

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Well that was before about a yr and a half after we met (the nude Pics) I havent done it since I thought they were deleted as I stated I was signing on 3 yrs later just looking for friends only and even stated that when I talked to people. My wife just had surgery Last Year and 3 mths ago Im very happy with her, but dont like this jealasy thing. It was a honest mistake I didnt even know it was on there.

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Well you gave her ample reason to leave you, let alone get jealous. You screwed up big-time and I'm afraid you're just going to have to eat it up for a while and win back her trust. Posting nude photos online while you're in a relationship is just wrong, unless you're a professional porn actor and she knew this beforehand!


I suggest you sincerely apologise, do something extra nice for her, and go out of your way not to give her any reason to be jealous. If you go out and she gets jealous of some other woman, show her extra attention, compliment her etc, basically make it clear you want her and no other.

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take a deep breath and relax. doesn't sound like she's gonna dump you any time soon. Just make sure you make it up to her and show that yer genuinely sorry for the things you've done.


Look at it this way... why is she jealous and makin' such a big deal out of things? It's pretty obvious she doesn't wanna lose you. Keep your chin up and be good to her.

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