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I like that guy...I don't know how to attract him well we met lik a year ago but we became close like a month ago when I said close I meant TOO CLOSE!!..He showd that he cares about me all my friends askd me if that guy likes me cz it was abvious but never told me anythng...I liked that guy now eachone is in a country for coupl of months...But I call him he calls me there are msgs between me and him I think he knows that I like him I showd him a bit...NOw I dont know evrthing changed the next day we wer msgs evry hour and stuff the next day nothing nothin the day after the same thing it kept like this for like 4 5 days I sent him a msg he ddnt reply yet What shall I do ? Do I call him ? Do I ignore him ? Shall I tell him about my feelings ? and how can I know if he likes me any hints please ?


Thanks !!!

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Stop sending him messages if he hasn't answered the ones you've sent over the last 5 days. Why do you keep texting him if he doesn't reply? That goes over as needy and clingy. For whatever reason, he's gone silent, so let him have his silence and get on with your life. If he's interested in you, he knows how to reach you.

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