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How do I forget her?

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This is an ex-girlfriend story. We dated a bit and decided (well, she decided) it wouldn't go any further but we stayed as friends. At first everything was okay but then she met someone else and immediately started telling me about all the great sex they were having (TMI). Then she said her new b/f was the jealous type and I shouldn't contact her until she sorted things out with him. I was starting to get worried about her until a few months later when I found out from a mutual friend that she had broken up with this b/f and hadn't got back in touch with me like she promised she would. I can't help thinking that she was lying about the whole jealous boyfriend thing and just wanted to get rid of me. It's been a couple of months now and I'm still mad at her but no matter how much I try I can't put it behind me and move on. I just keep thinking she's a disgusting lying skanky whore. Any advice please? :(

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I'm not clear on why you think she's a lying, skanky whore? She was honest with you about her feelings (or lack thereof) for you; you were ok being her friend and stuck around after that...probably you were hoping she'd change her mind?


She didn't get back in touch with you after she broke up with her boyfriend. She doesn't want to date you, and she's not so interested in your friendship. If you only dated for a bit, there's no reason to care so much and let it affect your life like this.


Flirt with other women and start dating. That'll get you past this much quicker than anything else. Eventually, you'll see this really means nothing at all in the grand scheme of things and you'll wonder why you were so obssessed.

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Yeah its funny how it works...


In my experience, even if it was just a short friendship/fling you had with this girl, you will continue to think about her whilst you are single.


Once you meet someone else you will forget all about her cause your attention is given to someone else.


Get back on the horse dude! Plenty of other skanky whores ( lol as you put it ) out there who will get your mind off this chick.

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I was okay just being friends but (a) she flaunted her sex life (which was tactless) and (b) she lied to get rid of me. To be honest, its the new boyfriend that I really feel sorry for.

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Hi I am so sorry,Ive been through something similar,but the other

woman was real and he still wanted me as a friend.

He loved flirting with me,teasing me and promised me that he didnt

really love her and he was going to soon breakup with her and allow

me to be his girlfriend,the one he really loved- in a personality, mind

spiritual way and was attracted to more than her, he didnt and when he finished with her- he wanted to be with me, 6 months after he just disapeared and ignored me and I gave up on him and said hed be coming to England and hed meet me,So I went to the place to meet him and he stood me up,So I blocked his emails, changed my account in the end and phone number and got a new mobile-cell phone and started a new heartbreak group for offline hurt and online hurt and brought some helpful books off the net, did what I could do,to get over him and got myself an 8 years old toyboy online,20 and me 28, it was great as he and me loved to both cook,wed swap recipes and we also swapped poems we wrote and He helped mend my heart and I helped mend his and we ended up great friends online for years,maybe thats what you need to do,find some internet girlfriends lots of them and start a get over heartbreak group on the side and get a noter female to help you run the group...

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