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Catching and keeping women


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In my experience they use their niceness to bribe people into liking them. Sometimes they also try to manipulate people by putting them on a guilt trip for not appreciating or reciprocating their niceness. That's not nice.


I forgot to reply to this part. You're right. I think this plays a part of it too. For some guys it may be all about being a doormat/manipulator and turning a girl off. For some it maybe be both being a doormat and choosing the wrong girls. And for others, they may not be "too nice" but just picking the wrong girls, the ones who want the bad boy.

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That's not what I was saying. I was saying that some people (mostly guys) mistake a person who shows affection instead of playing games as being needy or clingy. I've seen a lot of guys call a girl clingy when in reality she was just acting like she liked them and THE GUYS were the ones with the problem, mostly fear of commitment. The girl would have actually been good to them.

Ok, that I agree with. Actually, I have seen it myself... :rolleyes:


Not in any way shape or form. I've never supported that idea. I'm supporting the idea that men who think women don't like nice guys probably have issues of their own that make them go after the wrong women.

Yeah, what I said, the same guys who think women only like jerks are the ones who run after the bitches. :bunny::laugh: Somehow I got confused here... :o


I'm not sure if you were agreeing with me here or disagreeing, but since the rest of my post didn't come across right, I just want to say that this is basically what I was saying.

We're agreeing. :)

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Originally Posted by loony

In my experience they use their niceness to bribe people into liking them. Sometimes they also try to manipulate people by putting them on a guilt trip for not appreciating or reciprocating their niceness. That's not nice.


I forgot to reply to this part. You're right. I think this plays a part of it too. For some guys it may be all about being a doormat/manipulator and turning a girl off. For some it maybe be both being a doormat and choosing the wrong girls. And for others, they may not be "too nice" but just picking the wrong girls, the ones who want the bad boy.

I think I somewhat unclear in my previous post. Some guys are really nice, genuinely nice. These don't run after crazy women. Then there are others who have doormat/manipulator tendencies and those seem to dig bitches. Later when she is not so nice they will resort to anger and sulking, it's all part of the whiny-nice-guy-package. I was mostly thinking about the doormats in my post.


I don't believe that guys who are really nice would go after mean women, they don't feel the need to seek approval from others, therefore they won't allow bad behavior from a woman just for the sake of being accepted as her boyfriend. It's also their personal independence from others that allows them to be really nice without expecting anything back. But sure, there are probably also exceptions.

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I don't believe that guys who are really nice would go after mean women,

many times the "meanest" women are also the best looking ones. they can get away with it cause of their looks. its the fat and ugly women who are "nice and boring".

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many times the "meanest" women are also the best looking ones. they can get away with it cause of their looks. its the fat and ugly women who are "nice and boring".


They can *get away with it* because the guys who go after them let them *get away with it*. Sounds like insecurity on the guys' part... they'll stick around with a *meanie* simply because she is *hot*. Wow, some relationship! :rolleyes:

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They can *get away with it* because the guys who go after them let them *get away with it*. Sounds like insecurity on the guys' part... they'll stick around with a *meanie* simply because she is *hot*.


And these same men whine and moan endlessly about the stupid women who stick with 'bad boys' because the bad boys are hot :lmao: :lmao: Bottom line, if you're crushingly insecure and need a looker on your arm to make you feel better about yourself, you'll grovel and take any kind of garbage to keep her - or him. Which of course will eventually make you feel even worse about yourself.


And round and round we go! Wheeee! :laugh:

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