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US women are

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1. pretentious


2. pretend to be cute


3. dressed like a little girl but already 30


4. dependent on bf/huband




5. go to bathroom in a group


6. greedy


7. material


8. jealous of same sex


9. wear low cut but nothing to show


10. conceited


11. snobby


12. wear padded bras


13. self-absorbed


14. feels threatened by other pretty girls


15. caddy


16. weak


17. gold diggers


18. materialistic


19. all girls look the same


20. no individuality


21. no personality


22. cover up their ugly faces with pounds of make up


23. egotistical


24. insecure


25. boring


26. ugly


27. no purpse/meaning in life


28. no value


29. no principle


30. like to dine in expensive restaurant


31.don't read newspaper or just read the entertainment section


32. no soul


33. always on the lookout for a richer bf


34. class conscious


35. no love


36. no heart


37. doesn't care what's happening in third world


38. has no virtue at all of any kind


39. gathered in company pantry to make gossip


40. speculate on stock market based on news from others, without styding on their own


41. doesn't like to use their brains to think


42. like shopping


43. won't allow their bf/husband to make any friends unless they can be of use to his career


Some input later!

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Wow...sucks to be you buddy.! You must be a real miserable son of a b#$!%. Maybe that's why you'll be single for the rest of your life.




1. Al And... 2. Wasting your time Because... 3. Nobody cares
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sorry she was so bad...maybe next time you'll do better!

1. pretentious 2. pretend to be cute 3. dressed like a little girl but already 30 4. dependent on bf/huband . 5. go to bathroom in a group 6. greedy 7. material 8. jealous of same sex 9. wear low cut but nothing to show 10. conceited 11. snobby 12. wear padded bras 13. self-absorbed 14. feels threatened by other pretty girls


15. caddy 16. weak 17. gold diggers 18. materialistic 19. all girls look the same 20. no individuality 21. no personality 22. cover up their ugly faces with pounds of make up 23. egotistical 24. insecure 25. boring 26. ugly 27. no purpse/meaning in life 28. no value 29. no principle 30. like to dine in expensive restaurant


31.don't read newspaper or just read the entertainment section 32. no soul 33. always on the lookout for a richer bf


34. class conscious 35. no love 36. no heart 37. doesn't care what's happening in third world 38. has no virtue at all of any kind 39. gathered in company pantry to make gossip


40. speculate on stock market based on news from others, without styding on their own 41. doesn't like to use their brains to think


42. like shopping 43. won't allow their bf/husband to make any friends unless they can be of use to his career


Some input later!

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Goodness gracious, golly gee. For you to have come to this conclusion about American women, I guess you're saying you've dated each and every single one? Cuz if you haven't, then you're making asinine, narrowminded judgements based on, well, probably you just getting dumped too many times by American women....aww, sux to be you.


Allow me to comment on your findings:

1. pretentious

*maybe you're just a bit of a simpleton?

2. pretend to be cute

*how does someone "pretend" to be cute? Uh, you either are or you aren't. Need glasses?

3. dressed like a little girl but already 30

*Well toots, it's a fact of life that as each day passes, we're not getting any younger. Please post a picture of your wardrobe, so that we can critique it.

4. dependent on bf/huband

*Oh really? Now that's a good one. You obviously must lead a very sheltered life.

. 5. go to bathroom in a group

*You mean they all pile onto the same toilet?

6. greedy


7. material

*You mean materialISTIC? A lot of men are, as well...their fancy cars, boats, toys, etc. Your point?

8. jealous of same sex

*Well come on now....aren't men jealous of each other, too? Aren't men in bathrooms and locker rooms always comparing penis size?

9. wear low cut but nothing to show

*Seriously, what planet are you from? Uranus? Maybe you're looking in the wrong place.

10. conceited

*and this post of yours isn't conceited?

11. snobby

*maybe they're snobby to you because ya gotcher head up your poopchute?

12. wear padded bras

*Geezus, give the gals a break. If they have no boobs, what do you expect them to do? HELLO?!

13. self-absorbed

*Sorta like yourself?

14. feels threatened by other pretty girls

*How do you know this, did you take a National Survey?

15. caddy

*unless you're talkin' golf, I think you mean "catty." You should really learn to spell the correct english insults!

16. weak

*Yeah, I bet they're not strong like you.

17. gold diggers

*Luckily since you work at McDonalds, you shouldn't have to worry about this :-)

18. materialistic

*uh, I think you covered this one, buddy.

19. all girls look the same

*Oh, you mean like CLONES? Heavens yeah....go to any public place and all the women are identical. It's like a world full of identical twins *rolling eyes* Need glasses?

20. no individuality

*Please, tell us how you really feel.

21. no personality

*Well geez, cut the gals some slack. Not everyone is oozing with personality like you are LOL

22. cover up their ugly faces with pounds of make up

*Wow, you sound awfully mature.

23. egotistical

*Pot calling kettle black? LOL

24. insecure

*Sorta like yourself? After all, a secure guy wouldn't feel the need to trash all the women in America.

25. boring

*You sure it's them that's boring?

26. ugly

*Let's see your picture, buckaroo.

27. no purpse/meaning in life

*How do you know this? What a stupid thing to say.

28. no value

*Every human being has value, yes, even you.

29. no principle

*Awwwwwwwww. What do you care? I thought they were all just ugly, flat chested and boring?

30. like to dine in expensive restaurant

*Yes, not all women like the drive-thru at McDonalds. Guess you're sh*t outta luck.

31.don't read newspaper or just read the entertainment section

*How do you know this? Have you visited each woman's home to see what they do? Have you surveyed all American women to see if they read the newspaper? God you're a dolt! LOL

32. no soul

*Geez, I can now hear the World's Smallest Violin playing the song, "Feelings........nothing more than feelings....."

33. always on the lookout for a richer bf

*Don't they give raises to McDonald's Employees?

34. class conscious

*Hey, at least they have class *nudge nudge*

35. no love

*awwww...is somebody feeling unloved? *warm fuzzy*

36. no heart

*Say it isn't sooooooooooo!

37. doesn't care what's happening in third world

*How the hell do you know what goes through people's minds? Are you going to tell us that you're psychic?

38. has no virtue at all of any kind

*You poor little thing.

39. gathered in company pantry to make gossip

*Nahh..they're just in there talking about YOU! *wink*

40. speculate on stock market based on news from others, without styding on their own

*How in tarnation do you know what American women do to learn about the market? Again, did you take a survey or what?

41. doesn't like to use their brains to think

*oooooh, you're so mean!

42. like shopping

*Lovely sweeping generalization. And yeah, I forgot, it's a character flaw to enjoy shopping *LMFAO*

43. won't allow their bf/husband to make any friends unless they can be of use to his career

*Oh you precious little thing......you've got more than a chip on your shoulder, you've got the whole damn tree. I take it that you live in the U.S., seeing how you're such an authority on American women. Why don't you just go back to whatever country you came from? Hopefully they have a McDonalds there :-)

Some input later!

*Oh I'm sure we'll all be waiting with baited breath LOL

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44. buy stuff on big sale even they are not useful


45. Weak in Maths


46. listen to their moms more than you


47. false eyebrows and eyelips


48. visist beauty centres too often


49.spends too much on useless exercise equipment to increase boobs


50. has plastic surgery to increase boob size


51. can't cook, it's not their job


52. calls the wrong number all the time


53. don't have any saving cos they think can get it from bf


54. does everything in groups from shopping to going to washroom


55. dates more than one guy at a time


56. give false phone numbers


57. talk behind your back or even when you're there


58. wear glasses to make them look smart


59. dyed their hair


60. can't remember the movie they just saw


61. talk and talk on the phone


62. has too many pairs of shoes


63. can'tdecide what to wear to the supermarket


64. don't know anything technical like changing a lightbulb


65. ask dumb question


66. can't sing at karaoke bars


67. change bf like changing clothes


68. fat legs


67. overconfident


68. horrible walking posture


69. fat, but pretend beauty


70. always eating in offic


71. pretend high class people


72. cool in sexuality


73. use tear as weapon


78. wear boots in summer because it's in " fashion"!


79. nice to you when they first meet you and then say he's " nobody". Next


80. you can test how many girls are working at the office by spreading a rumour and see how fast it comes back to you


81. no figure


82. short


83. narrow minded


84. pretend to be " high classes" and have great taste


85. have absolutely no sympathy or compassion for the poor or the less fortunate


86. always on the lookout for a richer bf


87. class conscious


88. doesn't care what's happing in EU, Japan, unless it may affect their financial well being


89. has no virtue at all of any kind


90. like to buy " mark six"


91. egotistical


92. weak

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Like I said, go back to the women in your home country then. But wait, you probably left THERE because none of the gals were interested in you. Oh no.


You're not much of a man, to come to a board and slam an entire nation's women like this...making all kinds of sweeping generalizations and uneducated remarks. I guess if you have such contempt for American women, that must mean you rather enjoy American men, that you're gay. Poor little thing, to be so threatened and intimidated by women. I feel so bad for you. *sniff sniff*

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