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Wondering if I'm doing this wrong, or if this just happens naturally.


I've been lifting for a few months now. Not doing it with enough intensity to be "Schwarzneggerian" or anything, just for overall definition. A few times a week.


My biceps exercises are primarily dumbell curls and hammer curls. There has been a noticeable improvement in definition. But when I lift in front of a mirror, what really seems to be working (i.e. what's getting "pumped") are my triceps and deltoids. And, coincidentally enough :) , those are what's showing the most improvement. Biceps are improving but much more slowly and much less noticeably.


Does this suggest a problem with my technique? Or should I try a different exercise? Or, do triceps and delts just get worked as well, and build up faster, when anybody does bicep exercises?

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I have no idea why you're working your triceps so much doing bicep curls, but then I can't see what you're doing. It's inevitable that you'll be working your deltoids though. There are always secondary muscles involved while trying to isolate any area. My forearms always get a major workout when I hit my biceps. Have you tried doing seated bicep curls where your elbow is resting on your leg? I find that helps isolate the muscle.


Actually, the absolute best exercise for your biceps are chin ups.... believe it or not. Work on your chins up and your arms will get jacked.

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:confused: maybe your hyperextending your arms at the bottom of your curl, hitting your triceps, can you do barbell curls instead or as lonestar stated support your elbow on your leg.
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try standing barbell curls when your arms are new and fresh and go as heavy as you can using max weight it will give you the most muscle growth

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Actually, the absolute best exercise for your biceps are chin ups.... believe it or not. Work on your chins up and your arms will get jacked.


110% True. I actually dropped any type of curl from my routine after incoperating chinups. I have not seen such growth since my first 3 weeks of lifting (the noobie gains).


If you want big arms work with heavy (weighted if needed)

chinups and heavy rows, I assume you do some chest work as that part does not get negelcted often. (I wonder why :) )


Your body is one big system, It "wants" balance. You won't get the most out of your arms unless you get the most our of your chest/back as well.



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