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should I make a move?


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It's the same sad story all over the world, but I have a crush on a nice young man who I NEVER get to see in real life. I have his email address. Should I email him? What should I say? Tell me, fellas, what would you think?

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Hi, do you mean that you've never seen him or you've seen him but only rarely?


In any case, I actually met someone in my city on a chat room (i know I used to make fun of those people too!). We traded emails for a couple months and then I just took the plunge one day on messenger, and asked if we could meet for a drink or something someday, no pressure. I understand that there are a lot of creeps out there. She agreed and we met up at a cafe...we both liked what we saw I guess and dated for three months.


Moral of the story? YES, of course you should totally ask this guy out, via e-mail? Doesn't matter, he'll probably be flattered...all too often it's left up to the guy in these situations. I say, e-mail him and play your cards close to the sleeve...make plans to get together for a drink and play it by ear from there...you never know. he may be a pig or a prince, but it's worth a try to see.


Good luck!


typical male

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If the guy lives near you, by all means ask him out. If he lives in another town, forget it. If he lives in your town, email him and ask him for his phone number. Then call him and strike up a nice conversation. If he lives out of town, call him collect and tell him it would be really nice if he moved closer to where you live.


How could you ever have feelings for a blob of gray type on a computer screen?

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