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How to you choose?

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If you are given a chance, how do you choose?


Person A that you love the most, left you for another woman / man, married that person, divorced, and come back to you, asking for 2nd chance. => I guess this means you are the second choice for Person A.


You are now with Person B (another woman / man), and Person B treats you like a king/queen (first choice on their list). But Person B is your second choice.


Will you pick the one that you love most, but you are the second choice for him/her?


Or will you pick the one that love you the most, but he/she is your second choice?

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I wouldn't pick the one that cheated on me, left me for someone else, married and divorced and is now asking for a second chance, no way, no how.


If I'm with someone that treats me like a queen, then I will give him 100%.


Love grows over time. s*** just rolls downhill.

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Isn't this a bit of a no brainer?


I would choose the person who loved me and I was there first choice. It makes no sense to take someone so fickle who left you to marry another, then come crawling back asking for you to take them back. I don't want to be someones second choice, I want to be their first :cool:

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