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she visits during NC

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I am in 4 weeks NC with my wife who left me to live with her MOM. She shouted at me not to visit her or call or try to email her. she needed space. after 4 weeks of NC, she started calling me and when I dont answer, she visited me to ask me what have I decided that I am not in touch. I told her I am moving on and dont need her to return. she said she still loves me and misses me but cant get back with me. she gives me confused signals that she still loves me but not willing to come back.


Is this going to end somewhere positive ? I want her back :(

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that's abuse. its not your problem. be strong. don't do things for her. do what's right for you. she is confused and will keep you in chaos and uncertainty. move on and don't let her manipulate the situation. be strong and do what needs to be done. if you want her back say you are my wife. come back I want you with me. BE CLEAR and give her a deadline. If she doesn't come back then take charge of your life and don't be a bad "ender", letting things drag on and on in dramatic fashion.



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