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For Those of You Struggling with NC...Listen With An Open Mind.

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I was browsing through all the threads and found this one and was so glad I listened to it. I have been so sad and lonely since my LDR dropped me and have been having a hard time making it through every day. This gave me some hope to go on. I have decided to listen to it every day and try to get on with my life. Thank you again for posting it.

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That was great, thanks. I am going to "let go" of a lot!


At 22:15 he says "You have to maintain a strict NC policy and stick with it." lol He sounds like a typical LS member:laugh:

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Fun2BMe and Bangles,

I am so glad you listened to this little powerhouse message. I've been listening to it and it has helped me soooo much. Repeated listens are valuable because it sinks into the subconscious. Gems like this are often right in front of us, so I'm happy that you took a chance and clicked on that link.

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I have listened to it!!!


But, how about when the MM doesn't stop reeling you back in?

What if he didn't leave his wife, but always comes back to me???

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I have listened to it!!!


But, how about when the MM doesn't stop reeling you back in?

What if he didn't leave his wife, but always comes back to me???

He says "Shake that dust off of your feet and move on." Let him go. You will never have the right person in your life as long as the space is taken up by the wrong person. How can he reel you back in if you won't allow him to reel you in? You are acting like a typical victim instead of taking control of the situation. If he is not leaving his wife, then he is not the right person. As hard as it is, you have to let him go and move on. I think you have to listen to it again!

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I have listened to it!!!


But, how about when the MM doesn't stop reeling you back in?

What if he didn't leave his wife, but always comes back to me???



First listen to the audio again and again. You are finding an excuse to stay in a situation that is basically dead end.

Second...This is your life. What do you want to stay in distress, be at another's mercy for your peace of mind....

Third...NC and let that situation go.



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I liked when he said "Your destiny is never tied to anybody who left you". Everything made so much sense. Eases some of the difficult feelings and provides some empowerment!!

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I liked when he said "Your destiny is never tied to anybody who left you".

I guess I'm used to taking notes when I listen to something educational back from college days, I ended up with a whole transcription LOL. So the rest of that quote he went on to say: "Had they been for us, no doubt they would have remained with us. It doesn't mean they're bad, just that their part in your life is over. Whatever God needs you to have, he will give it, not take it away. Stop begging people to stay, let them go."


I also like when he said: "Breaking up is like coming off drugs. At first the withdrawl hurts, but you have to go through that to get cleaned."

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I'm a very devout atheist and at first I was refusing to give it a chance, though after finally listening to it I have to admit that I enjoyed it a lot, "you cannot make god make anyone love you!" hehe I liked it :)

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I'm a very devout atheist and at first I was refusing to give it a chance, though after finally listening to it I have to admit that I enjoyed it a lot, "you cannot make god make anyone love you!" hehe I liked it :)



The one thing about a overcoming heartache ..it cuts through all denominations...I am sooo glad you were open enough to hear it all the way through...it certainly wasn't my intention to inject my spiritual beliefs on anyone, but after I heard it, I just thought 'damn this is something that someone here on LS might need to hear!' :)




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The one thing about a overcoming heartache ..it cuts through all denominations...I am sooo glad you were open enough to hear it all the way through...it certainly wasn't my intention to inject my spiritual beliefs on anyone, but after I heard it, I just thought 'damn this is something that someone here on LS might need to hear!' :)





Yeah I didn't feel at all like you or the preacher/priest?? was attempting to force any belief system, I also liked his spirit and enthusiasm

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To all play boys and play girls, maried, single, flirting etc, this is for you, please pass to all people that you know




In love and life don’t ever play games. If you love someone, TELL them, if you don’t, TELL them. The human heart is a very complex thing in that it makes us do the strangest things when it reaches a point of desperation especially when we are hurting. I’m sure many of us have reached that point where we find ourselves attacking the competition “in the name of LOVE” even attacking the object of your affection, some of us have even found ourselves hiding behind bushes or tagging the car playing spy.




At the end of it all, relationships, whether friendships or romance, need two elements to survive - COMMUNICATION and COMPROMISE and it needs another two elements two fall apart – PRIDE AND STUPIDITY.




Too proud to say I’m sorry, too proud to say I’m hurting, too proud to say I’m feeling a little insecure. And so stupid, stupid enough to let them go because you think they will be back, stupid enough not to tell them that you love them because you think they will stick around longer if you play hard to get, stupid enough not to answer their calls when you have a fight because you want to make them hurt and you want to teach them a lesson they’ll never forget. Watch out you are not the one who learns a lesson. If it’s worth a great person walking out of your life, possibly for good, then by all means knock yourself out.




But don’t cry when that person never calls again, or finds solace in another’s arms, or throws themselves off a twenty story building because the pain you were causing them was too much to bear.




Don’t cry when a beautiful relationship is broken and can’t be fixed because YOU chose to play games instead of laying your cards on the table and working it out. Say exactly what you feel and ask exactly what you want to know. No matter how STUPID you sound. At least you will know exactly where you stand.




And even if after you’ve poured your heart and it still doesn’t work out, you will be at peace because you know you did your best on your part. Your conscience will be clear and you will move on knowing that you didn’t go down without a fight.




Loving someone is not a game.




People are not pyramids; you can’t go off on your own selfish trip and expect to find them in the exact same spot you left them weeks ago. If you don’t take care of your partners needs when they need you to, what guarantee do you have that somebody else won’t.




So when you find your partner in your best friend’s arms or hear they are getting married to someone you thought was just a “rebound trip” after you let them go without a fight:




Don’t cry, ‘cause while you were busy playing games…….SOMEBODY ELSE WASN’T

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To all play boys and play girls, maried, single, flirting etc, this is for you, please pass to all people that you know




In love and life don’t ever play games. If you love someone, TELL them, if you don’t, TELL them. The human heart is a very complex thing in that it makes us do the strangest things when it reaches a point of desperation especially when we are hurting. I’m sure many of us have reached that point where we find ourselves attacking the competition “in the name of LOVE” even attacking the object of your affection, some of us have even found ourselves hiding behind bushes or tagging the car playing spy.




At the end of it all, relationships, whether friendships or romance, need two elements to survive - COMMUNICATION and COMPROMISE and it needs another two elements two fall apart – PRIDE AND STUPIDITY.




Too proud to say I’m sorry, too proud to say I’m hurting, too proud to say I’m feeling a little insecure. And so stupid, stupid enough to let them go because you think they will be back, stupid enough not to tell them that you love them because you think they will stick around longer if you play hard to get, stupid enough not to answer their calls when you have a fight because you want to make them hurt and you want to teach them a lesson they’ll never forget. Watch out you are not the one who learns a lesson. If it’s worth a great person walking out of your life, possibly for good, then by all means knock yourself out.




But don’t cry when that person never calls again, or finds solace in another’s arms, or throws themselves off a twenty story building because the pain you were causing them was too much to bear.




Don’t cry when a beautiful relationship is broken and can’t be fixed because YOU chose to play games instead of laying your cards on the table and working it out. Say exactly what you feel and ask exactly what you want to know. No matter how STUPID you sound. At least you will know exactly where you stand.




And even if after you’ve poured your heart and it still doesn’t work out, you will be at peace because you know you did your best on your part. Your conscience will be clear and you will move on knowing that you didn’t go down without a fight.




Loving someone is not a game.




People are not pyramids; you can’t go off on your own selfish trip and expect to find them in the exact same spot you left them weeks ago. If you don’t take care of your partners needs when they need you to, what guarantee do you have that somebody else won’t.




So when you find your partner in your best friend’s arms or hear they are getting married to someone you thought was just a “rebound trip” after you let them go without a fight:




Don’t cry, ‘cause while you were busy playing games…….SOMEBODY ELSE WASN’T


i agree wit you. fight but only to a degree. once you gave it you all and it didn't work then do as the good pastor said and let it go.

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i agree wit you. fight but only to a degree. once you gave it you all and it didn't work then do as the good pastor said and let it go.


Excellent Point. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I made 2 attempts for closure... I tried to open the lines of communication so at least we could get teh cards out on teh table... got the door slammed in my face twice... there wont be a third time... guarenteeed. Let it go...

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The most telling part of the audio was the emphasis on who will listen the message and actually let go and those who will not see their situation and continue to stay on the misery-go-round. Sometimes a message like this falls on deaf ears...don't let it be YOU. When you get week in the knees hit play it again.;)





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I'm deaf, so would anyone mind transcribing the file for me? I'd love to check it out? if it's not too much trouble for someone?

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I was trying to see if this came with pdf file, unfortunately it's not. when I have more time i will try to pluck qoutes and portions and paste it here...

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Yeah I didn't feel at all like you or the preacher/priest?? was attempting to force any belief system, I also liked his spirit and enthusiasm


You took the words outta my mouth, a great listen..

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I was trying to see if this came with pdf file, unfortunately it's not. when I have more time i will try to pluck qoutes and portions and paste it here...


Aw, all right. Thanks anyhow, it just sounded like something interesting to check out!

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So when you find your partner in your best friend’s arms or hear they are getting married to someone you thought was just a “rebound trip” after you let them go without a fight:






As is documented extensively on this site, fighting for someone who has just broken up with you usually just pushes them away. I'm not saying don't fight, but often the fight is with yourself, to maintain self control and give them what they need. I fought hard to try to show my ex i was ready to make changes and be what she wanted and it made things worse. We have been "playing games", i guess, for a bit and things are perhaps... maybe, looking up. its not how i would choose to do things, i am a man and therefore prefer to be direct and upfront as you suggest. but women dont seem to like that so...

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