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I am dating this gut and for 3 months it was perfect. Now he's stopped calling me everyday and instead calls once a week. He's slowing things down because he was cheated on and does not trust women. The poblem is he's hurting me in the process. I need his time, I miss him. I don't want to sound needy or nag him, but I want more time. You can't just halt a relationship like this without duscussing it with me first. I asked himj if I've done anything wrong or if he wabts to stop seeing me and he's said no and that I was perfect. How do I get the realationship nback to the way it was and make him understand. I need the chats the time, not just the booty or the fly by talks.

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There is nothing anyone can tell you to do that will guarantee your relationship will be like it once was or anything that will make him treat you the way you want to be treated. The only thing you can do is tell him what you want and need and see if he delivers it.


He hasn't been cheated on enough to stop having sex with women, has he? He is either out-right lying or he is just using that as an excuse. Either way, it's a cop out.


Tell him the amount of booty he gets from you, from now on, is directly proportional to how much he trusts you and how much he talks to you. The more trust, the more talk, the more booty! No trust, no talk, no booty! Got it! Of course, he'll probably never call you again when you tell him this, because he's not in it for the trust or the talk.


One way or another, that should settle things for you. You will have had the chance to discuss things before the relationship comes to a halt and either you'll get what you want from him or you won't be giving booty to someone that doesn't trust and talk to you.

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If you want to be happy in any aspect of life, don't make so many demands, don't have so many high expectations and be happy in less than optimal circumstances.


Demanding that he see you more often is a surefire way to destroy the relationship. Be happy for the time you spend with him and do things alone or with friends when he's away and ENJOY those times.


If you aren't happy when you're alone, you cannot make someone a good partner. If you make demands of another, you become more of a burden than a companion.


Best wishes for happiness, with others and with yourself.

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He's cheating on you. I'd bet money on it.

If you want to be happy in any aspect of life, don't make so many demands, don't have so many high expectations and be happy in less than optimal circumstances. Demanding that he see you more often is a surefire way to destroy the relationship. Be happy for the time you spend with him and do things alone or with friends when he's away and ENJOY those times. If you aren't happy when you're alone, you cannot make someone a good partner. If you make demands of another, you become more of a burden than a companion. Best wishes for happiness, with others and with yourself.
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