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why men have sex with the ow and wife

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I don't understand WHY men while on affairs have sex with the wife and the other women sometime in less than 24 hours. What drive them to do this? I had experienced this situation, nine months ago, my husband affair just last two months, because I found out. I could not pass trough this yet. He had sex with me one nignt and the next day went to see the ow. I would like to know from men in this forum if they ever experienced this situation before during their affairs.

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Yes, men do that kind of thing often during affairs. They compartmentalize the two relationships, and one doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other (in their minds). And some men think it's cool: "hey, I'm such a stud!"


I hope you've gone to the doctor to get tested for any STD's...:(


I'm sorry, sweets, this is really rough. Try to get some counseling for yourself to help you through this, even if he won't go with you. If he does go with you, that would be better, and a sign that he's serious about working things out with you...if that's what you want.

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Believe me, I can relate. :(


Make sure he gets tested for STDs. Make sure you both do. Make it a requirement for him.

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cuckolded husband

Yes it can happen


Women can do it to the husband my wife did it to me within a few hours or less she would do it at work then come home to me @#!#%#^#$&%*

I guess that sex is just sex or it don't matter to them. If they hold out then you would know something is up. Come on now in the case of the men out there if any wife would give sex to husband would any one of them turn it down and if he would you would know something was up.

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I don't understand WHY men while on affairs have sex with the wife and the other women sometime in less than 24 hours. What drive them to do this? I had experienced this situation, nine months ago, my husband affair just last two months, because I found out. I could not pass trough this yet. He had sex with me one nignt and the next day went to see the ow. I would like to know from men in this forum if they ever experienced this situation before during their affairs.


Because they can.




That's why.

Why does a dog et cetera et cetera?

Because they can.


It is not just limited to men don't believe that myth.

As cuckolded husband said women can just as easily do this too.


Which makes me wonder why people don't live in groupsex kind of lifestyles.

It's really what they want so why all the storefront?

There would be nothing wrong if everybody just admitted that they like sex with different partners & lived accordingly.

Very easy.


But I guess a human being isn't satisfied unless he/she believes he's/she's outwitting another human being.


I guess it's just not the same if it's honest.

Someone somewhere just *has* to get screwed over.



John Lucas

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this too.


Which makes me wonder why people don't live in groupsex kind of lifestyles.

It's really what they want so why all the storefront?

There would be nothing wrong if everybody just admitted that they like sex with different partners & lived accordingly.

Very easy.


But I guess a human being isn't satisfied unless he/she believes he's/she's outwitting another human being.


I guess it's just not the same if it's honest.

Someone somewhere just *has* to get screwed over.

You've probably noticed that cheaters don't want to be cheated on. :) Just like you might like it when others spend a lot of money on you, but you don't like spending yours too fast. Or you like to be right and prove others that they are wrong, but you don't like it when others do the same to you.
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