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When some people meet, they make no judgements at all.


When very superficial people meet, one or the other will judge first on appearance...or sometimes the meeting won't even take place. Clothes fit into the category of appearance.


When one or the other is greedy or monetary, career will be the most important aspect. People can never be defined by what they do. Jesus had been a carpenter, President Carter a peanut farmer, Buddha just sat around meditating (they call that vagrancy in America and people get arrested for that in some towns)...even Bill Gates went to jail for speeding in New Mexico in the 70's. In my opinion, all those people are or were pretty decent by most standards.


When one or the other is very psychic, they may judge of character. It is real hard to know a person's character at first or even second or third meeting unless one is psychic or unless the other is wearing a prison uniform. There are crooked cops, judges, doctors, politicians, and even clergy so it's really hard to judge character at first meeting. (Even if someone is wearing a prison uniform, they may just be very late for a Halloween party)


When one is just very, very dumb, he might judge another on nationality. He may think a guy who likes spaghetti or is in the mafia is Italian or he may think another is a terrorist if he's Arabic. This is pretty stupid.


I think people with any brains don't make judgements at all. Very nice people with excellent character, nice clothes, etc. can do very bad things. And people dressed as bums with a rap sheet a mile long can be very kind.


You never really know somebody so if you judge them at first meeting you are really screwing with your own head. That's not being nice to yourself...although I will admit it's the tendency of people to make such judgements. As a race (homosapien) we are really homostupid. Maybe they ought to call us homostupidians or homodums. How about homoidiots?

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