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My spouse may be (relationships)Phobic?

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Hi, I'm just now seperating, and my friend has a long history of doing support group work and taking therapy herself and saw that the spouse I describe that is so bewildering to me is commitment phobic....and I'm wondering if anyone can chat with me about that? I'm an adult child of an alcoholic and have other support groups for that however my spouse, is one of a string of many commitment phobic men I've dated to date and boy am I aware and totally bewildered as to what to do now. I just know his denial levels, and I cannot come to him regarding what I've learned. I'm requiring him to go to individual counseling if we're ever to consider reconciling. I think it's probably not going to happen. He is very OCD too, especially around money, it's unbearable for me. His sabatoging of our relationship is completely unacceptable for me to continue to bear at this time.:eek:

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