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Is this weird or just me?

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Sometimes i really do not know if i am worrying too much and being overly cautious. My b/f of a year says he couldnt see me last night--he is going to see his brother to talk about some things dealing with money etc. So he calls me from home and he says he is just waiting for the call and then he will leave. I ask him what he is doing and he says he is changing his shirt and shoes because what he wore to work was too warm. Why would he change his shirt and shoes just to go see his brother? He never changes to see me, that i know of. Then i heard his mom in the background--you are going out? Why wouldn't she know he is going to his brother's house or why wouldn't my b/f say that to her instead of just yeah. Am i being too cautious here? He said he was gonna go after awhile and use the bathroom, i said i would call him back which i did but no answer--2 and a half hours later he calls saying he forgot his cell at home which is possible but i guess it just sounds weird to me.

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He's cheating, he just hasn't been caught yet. You need to pull out the DELTA FORCE girl instinct and start looking more into this. Whether you need to barrow a friends car or not to check where he is. You will find your answer. Go with you gut instinct. But do not confront him until he is caught (IE) you see him with another girl when he said he was doing something else. Be a detective. Girls have instinct and we arent' stupid. Find out more, follow him whatever you have to do to get your mind at ease. Yes, it's lame to follow, but who the hell wants to be strung along. Bust him first.

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He's cheating, he just hasn't been caught yet. You need to pull out the DELTA FORCE girl instinct and start looking more into this. Whether you need to barrow a friends car or not to check where he is. You will find your answer. Go with you gut instinct. But do not confront him until he is caught (IE) you see him with another girl when he said he was doing something else. Be a detective. Girls have instinct and we arent' stupid. Find out more, follow him whatever you have to do to get your mind at ease. Yes, it's lame to follow, but who the hell wants to be strung along. Bust him first.


She types all of ONE paragraph, and you say, yup,...hes cheating??? Maybe he really DID go to his brothers. Maybe the thing they were talking about had to do WITH their mother and they didnt want her to know. Maybe it WAS about money as she stated in her post. Money isnt EVERYONES business. Sons dont want their Moms to know usually when they arent doing as well as the should be. Maybe one of these brothers was in a position to help the other out financially and that isnt EVERYONES business. Maybe , maybe, maybe,........maybe, ANY number of things. Has he cheated before?? Have you been in a relationship with another guy where HE cheated before?? It sounds to me ,...while this behavior may be enough to go....hmmm...it absolutely isnt enough to go all Delta Force on him. That is, if you dont want to end up looking like the once scorned, jealous psycho that you are beginning to sound like. If you do spy, and get caught,...and he WASNT cheating,...well,....you have just gone and F'd up a perfectly good relationship. Sounds to me like YOU have YOUR own issues with insecurity to iron out. Otherwise,.....you will always find things to raise an eyebrow in every aspect of ANY relationship you have with THIS guy or another.

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No Stress Lady
She types all of ONE paragraph, and you say, yup,...hes cheating??? Maybe he really DID go to his brothers. Maybe the thing they were talking about had to do WITH their mother and they didnt want her to know. Maybe it WAS about money as she stated in her post. Money isnt EVERYONES business. Sons dont want their Moms to know usually when they arent doing as well as the should be. Maybe one of these brothers was in a position to help the other out financially and that isnt EVERYONES business. Maybe , maybe, maybe,........maybe, ANY number of things. Has he cheated before?? Have you been in a relationship with another guy where HE cheated before?? It sounds to me ,...while this behavior may be enough to go....hmmm...it absolutely isnt enough to go all Delta Force on him. That is, if you dont want to end up looking like the once scorned, jealous psycho that you are beginning to sound like. If you do spy, and get caught,...and he WASNT cheating,...well,....you have just gone and F'd up a perfectly good relationship. Sounds to me like YOU have YOUR own issues with insecurity to iron out. Otherwise,.....you will always find things to raise an eyebrow in every aspect of ANY relationship you have with THIS guy or another.


Couldn't agree more.


I may be mistaken but this poster sounds exactly like sungrl.......:confused:



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She types all of ONE paragraph, and you say, yup,...hes cheating???


Um... with the given information, I would also think he's cheating. Sure there could be a million different scenarios playing out. But the most likely one is cheating. What's wrong with that conclusion?

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Um... with the given information, I would also think he's cheating. Sure there could be a million different scenarios playing out. But the most likely one is cheating. What's wrong with that conclusion?



All she overheard was him NOT telling his Mother he was going to his brothers. Where in the hell do you get cheating from that?? Sounds to me like you are Grand Pubah of the Men-Are-All-Dogs Club. Keep that attitude down at the lodge with the rest of the scorned broads, would ya....thanks

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