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Me and this girl, Work together and we developed a close best friends kind of relationship. I am really starting to like her a lot and She give a "hint" She kind of likes me the same. We don't live together. In fact she has her own kind of place. We spend a lot of time together even at work, we are very close. It's like We follow each-other around at work. She even sometimes takes over my task by helping me with it. She also Stands up for me when I get the Crap jobs. We talk a lot at work and we try and keep in contact away from work. Well She just admitted to me the other day that she Got real jealous when this other girl started working there a few months back. The new girl and I would talk and I would start flirting with her and following her around. But now I kind of focus on her and not flirt with other women. (only when with her)Shhhh.... Now that me and her are closer, I feel she is opening up to me her true feeling. Now maybe about 2 days out of the week, I go to her place and watch movies with her. Nothing happens just hanging out kind of thing. Yesterday me and her went to the mall together and we went to every store and then we went to see a movie. Anyway, My mother knows this girl and She (my mother) told me she likes me a lot. She told me this before But I asked her again: "Do you still think she likes me?" And she replied "yes" very much. And I'm like "How do you know?" She says girls just know and I know. This is where I need answers... What is my next move? Or should I just keep on just going out with her like the mall or the going to a theme park? Is it my move to make? Should I tell her how I feel? I fear of telling her I Like her, More than just best friends. I don't want to kill our friendship by doing so.. Well please help me out and Thanks for reading my post....

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Alrite.... i am not very experienced because i am only 16 but i think ya need to tell her you have feelings for her and if she does too which she probly does by reading your post then you can progress with your relationship thats just my opinion dont gotta listen to me but thats what i would do

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Alrite.... i may not be very experienced because i am only 16 but i think you should tell her to you like her..... by what you said on the post she likes you, and once you tell her, and she admits that she likes you too you can progress with the relationship.... thats just what i would do but really its just a suggestion and its up to you so good luck!

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