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This is a kind of long story.. I know everyone has one but I just want some feed back.. Tell me if I am crazy or what?

I was dating this girl in my office.. I know bad news I got out of there two months ago.. But while I was dating her.. She was always went out to lunch with her boss, who isn't good looking but is paying her pay check.. I suspected that he was sleeping with her but never had hard evidence.. Until valentines day when he sent her a text page at 11pm wishing her happy valentines day ( which could mean nothing but who sends a text page at 11pm and that is her VP). Two weeks later she went to Vegas for work.. She called on Sat saying that he left and took a red eye home on Friday.. I had a funny and sick feeling that he stayed the weekend.. So I called the hotel to see if he had checked out on Sunday sure enough I was right.. So I broke up with her then she contacted me about a month later trying to get back together. The night I got back together with her she recieves a text page from another guy in the office who is married and said 'i want to see you now' I know we were broken up she can see whom ever she wants to see.. But I couldn't handle that.. So I ended it again 2 weeks later after she introduced me to her parents.. Was I over reacting.. She told me to go and see a doctor.. Was I in the wrong of accusing of stuff all the time how can I trust someone in the future.. Help, tell me I am not crazy...

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I don't think you're crazy, since she hasn't really provided any explanation for what's going on with her boss...why did SHE stay the weekend in Vegas?


As far as what she might have been doing while you two weren't seeing each other, you should let that go. However, if she'd been seeing a married man, she might not be the kind of person you can fully trust.


Telling you to see a doctor instead of being willing to talk to you about all of this is the big red flad, I think.

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YOU'RE NOT CRAZY! You had significant reasons for doubting her loyalty. She lied about her boss checking out when he didn't. Then another coworker texts her "i want to see you..."?! :confused: Coincedence or not. Don't waste anymore time on this chick. Sounds like she needs to keep her skirt down.

Good for you for doing something about it when you caught her the first time;)

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I like the way she screwed around and then made you think You had a problem.


Women are evil, don't look into their eyes.

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Married men have no reason to be contacting her, saying the things the way that they were.


She sounds like the little office whore to be honest with you. Glad you got out when you did. & her making you feel like it's YOUR fault, is just her way of trying to justify what she's doing, because she knows it's wrong.

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Finally.. Here's her last email to me.. Any responses would be greatly appreciated... I have been on and off with her since May.. And this her final response to me.. I have been trying to break it up with her sometime.. But I guess she finally ended it.. See below


[FONT=Courier New]Hey, [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New]Sorry about the other nite. I was still not feeling well and I am a bit stressed by these interviews and I my weekend was not so great. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New][/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New]Part of why I was acting like that is that I have been thinking about things and for my life right now I really don't want to be considered someone's hookup. That was on my mind and then when you came over and were questioning me about everything I did and acting accusatory in the way you were speaking to me I just felt like I could not stand it. I don't want someone to hook up with I want someone that I trust and care about that i can have a good relationship with. I honestly feel like you still don't trust me at all and I don't think there is anything i can do to change that. You consistently say you just want to "hang out" and honestly that is not where I am in my life right now. I had a hard weekend being sick on Sunday and I needed some comfort from someone with all the changes going on in my life right now. I know you also had a hard day with your family at the funeral and you probably wanted the same thing. I was not meaning to attack you but I am under pressure in alot of ways right now and I need someone that I feel is there for me. I am worried about my parents, my new job and my future. As you said everything is totally fine but I put alot of unecessary pressure on myself to do everything better than I am doing it all now. That is both a good thing and a bad thing... [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New][/FONT]

[FONT=Courier New]I think you are a good person and i do enjoying hanging out with you but I don't want to feel like you don't trust me at all and I don't know if you are capable of changing that. I don't want us to be at odds and I hope we can remain friends. I do care about you alot and I know things have been hard for you lately as well. I hope you can somewhat understand where I am coming from eventhough I am not sure I said it all right ;-) [/FONT]

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