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Freiends Forever?


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I am 32 yrs old, I've been physically handicapped since birth. I get around on a 3-wheeled scotter. Last April, I was in a lounge, (that I never go to) with a man I haven't seen since. While we were sitting there a Blonde Beautifull Stud came up to me and said my name. "you don't remember me, do you?" I didn't recognize him and said no. He told me his name and I instantly remembered a clumsy dorkish kid my brother and sister and I hung out with at our summer house for 4-5 summers. He had never been in the lounge before, with a girl he hasn't seen since. He says "It was destiny that we were both there that night, with people that are no longer in our lives" We've been very close friends ever since. We kiss, and get very intimate, but we don't go any further. I don't know if he just doesn't find me attractive, though he says I'm beautiful or if he's just afraid. He's been married and divorced twice, and says he doesn't want to be "tied down", but he has sex A LOT! It's like he has all the good parts of a relationship with me, and has sex with many others with no commitment. I could really love him, but...... I just don't know!!!


Please .... any suggestions?

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