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Two weeks left!


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I met this gorgeous Canadian exchange student about a month ago and we have had an AMAZING time together. But now he has only two weeks before he leaves forever and I don't know how to act! Everytime we sleep together I want to cry because I know he'll be leaving me soon... At the beginning of relationships you have to play it cool and get to know each other. But right now I feel like being totally frank or something because we have to fit everything in in under two weeks! I just want to blurt out, 'I think you're the most amazing guy I've ever met and this is the best sex I've ever had and I don't want you to leave me!' But of course that would totally freak him out. Or would it? Some advice please! I don't want to appear desperate but the truth is, I AM desperate for him!! I'm sure my feelings would be more mellow if he was staying, but everything is intensified right now! PLease help! Thanks.

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Tell him how you feel and don't hold anything back. You may never get this chance again and if you don't speak out, you could regret it for a long time.


If his reaction is negative in any way, it would be an indication of his insincerity. If he's for real, he'll appreciate your honesty, treasure your feelings and most probably say he feels similarly.


If you don't plan to see him in a very long time, don't make arrangements to keep a long distance relationship going on this one. That's a sure fire way to get your heart broken. But if he's such a catch and you're this mad about him, maybe there's some way he can move back or you can move to be with him.

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