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Ive read most of the postings on this page and you know what. I must say 90% of you are really lucky to be in the situations your in. Wither its because you are about someone or someone cares about you.


I know Im only 17 and thats not very old, but I have never had a boyfriend, never had a guy say he likes me or even flirted with me. And hey, dont start thinking that Im some weirdo... I got sportsperson of the year award from my school.


Now, I dont know what you guys have done to get these people to ask you out or flirt with you cause if I knew I so would not be sitting here on my Saturday evening infrount of the computer wondering, why guys not even seem to notice me 'in that kind of way'.


Anyway, any help on just getting guys to notice that your interested in them and want to flirt or have a one off night would be aprechated.



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first of all, i think it's really neat that you are involved in things some people will never go for. (sports, etc). i think that most of that "people should date in highschool" thing is a myth. i've found out that there are a LOT of people who don't. i understand though how you feel about it. being asked out or having a boyfriend isn't always the best thing also... getting asked out by slimy guys is not all that great. or having a boyfriend who hurts you or cheats on you. i'm not trying to belittle how you feel, i'm just trying to give a reminder that titles, or being able to say "i've been asked out" isn't always that great of an achievement. i wish i had some miracle advice, like "do your hair this way and they'll all go for you!" but i'm not one of those teen magazines so i'm not going to pretend that's the key to happiness. people say that guys like confident girls, but some guys can't handle girls who are very independent or have outstanding skill in areas that are usually "guy dominated". from my experience, some guys get mad if you beat them at their "own" game. i'm not saying you should change that at all, as far as i'm concerned, if a guy can't handle losing than he isn't mature enough to have a relationship. sorry i don't have any better advice but i guess all i'm hoping (for myself as well as others) is that sometime people are going to wise up and like us for who we really are. maybe if you take a look around you'll see people you never considered as boyfriend material. i'm not going to tell you to be fake or give you real flirting techniques. if you want those, buy a teen magazine. a lot of people flirt the same way, but it's when somebody is a little bit different, when they let their personality show through that really makes people notice. this may not be helpful, but i guess my only advice would be -- be yourself, sometimes these things take time but if you keep an open mind, you'll find someone. meanwhile, enjoy your free time, soon enough it'll be gone or limited (whether you are going away to school or end up with a million other things to do). good luck.


Ive read most of the postings on this page and you know what. I must say 90% of you are really lucky to be in the situations your in. Wither its because you are about someone or someone cares about you. I know Im only 17 and thats not very old, but I have never had a boyfriend, never had a guy say he likes me or even flirted with me. And hey, dont start thinking that Im some weirdo... I got sportsperson of the year award from my school.


Now, I dont know what you guys have done to get these people to ask you out or flirt with you cause if I knew I so would not be sitting here on my Saturday evening infrount of the computer wondering, why guys not even seem to notice me 'in that kind of way'. Anyway, any help on just getting guys to notice that your interested in them and want to flirt or have a one off night would be aprechated.



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Be patient, be yourself and sometimes "smiling and just saying Hi" will be enough to spark someones interest.


And at seventeen a lot of people are at home wondering what everyone else is doing. As you get older you will have more opportunities and interests, more dating opportunities will eventually present themselves.

Ive read most of the postings on this page and you know what. I must say 90% of you are really lucky to be in the situations your in. Wither its because you are about someone or someone cares about you. I know Im only 17 and thats not very old, but I have never had a boyfriend, never had a guy say he likes me or even flirted with me. And hey, dont start thinking that Im some weirdo... I got sportsperson of the year award from my school.


Now, I dont know what you guys have done to get these people to ask you out or flirt with you cause if I knew I so would not be sitting here on my Saturday evening infrount of the computer wondering, why guys not even seem to notice me 'in that kind of way'. Anyway, any help on just getting guys to notice that your interested in them and want to flirt or have a one off night would be aprechated.



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