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I should know better

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About 5 months ago I met this guy at work. We went out several times before he told me he was married, but seperated, he had been sperated for almost 2 years. They still stay in touch b/c they have 2 kids. Okay fine, we tried keeping it on a friendship level. But had so much in common and about 2 months into us just hanging out and all. They aren't divorced, I'm not sure why neither one of them have filed. He mentioned not haveing the money.He never mentioned the reason for the seperation but I know of atleast 3 times he has went back "home" and stayed a few days. I screwed up by letting things go beyond friendship. And falling in love with him I can admit it here I guess.He is wonderful with my daughter(7), and she enjoys spending time with his two daughters(2,4). He tells me he loves me to. And our friendship in second to his daughters in order of importance.

I tried ended things once when I first started falling for him and ingored his calls and emails. So he ended up sitting on my front porch till I came home. He knows how to make me feel so good and special.

But last night before I went home. He said we had to talk, he was thinking of trying to work things out with his. She has "grown up" and he wants to try and see how things go with them today, their family is spending the day together. I had to act like it didn't bother me. But it does, I shouldn't be jealous but I am. I shouldn't have sit there crying for an hour outside my aprtment but I did. He called me this morning on his lunch break and wants to know if I"m free friday, so we can talk and see how things go with him and his wife. I even feel bad about hoping that they can't work things out.

I stupid for even considering to see him again, espeically since he says he wants to try to work things out. But we were friends first, lovers second. So why can't we hang out as friends. I"m so confused. To make matters worse I may be pregnant.


I guess what I"m trying to ask, is would it be possible for us to go back and be friends or should I just move, change my number and pretend he never existed


Sorry if that didn't make sense I'm still kinda upset. And Iguess just looking for some helpful works if anyone has any.

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I would suggest simply up and moving on out of this guy's life with no way for him to contact you, but... I guess the first order of business is to find out for sure if you are pregnant. That little factor will change everything.

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