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Is it worth saving?

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I have been in a wonderful relationship with a guy that may be the man of my dreams -- he's everything I could ever want. We have had some awesome memorable moments as well as the worst (we've almost broken up a few times). Each time, our love has brought us back together. I have never felt this intensity of love for another person and neither has he. We've moved pretty quickly -- becoming live-in couples at two months into our relationship. We've even spoken about marriage.. he proposed to me a few times but I have always been hesitant at moving so quickly.


The thing is.. he's 5 years my junior. This has presented a few problems lately. Although we have a great relationship and great sex... we do get into our share of arguments. I'm not sure whether it's the fact that he IS quite young (20) or something else. He's also been getting "cold feet" about being in such a committed relationship. He's been completely honest about his feelings towards this -- he feels that he may selfish to himself for not having had "lived"... "not having experienced being a 20 year old kid" (he's had a pretty harsh life). He feels that although he loves me more than anything, he's scared of the fact that "I may be the last woman he will ever be with".


I'm not sure how to feel about this. I'm glad that he was able to tell me honestly his feelings but I'm wondering whether it would be in my best interest to end things now if they're destined to end anyways.



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This feeling is not exclusive to 20-year-olds but it is a danger sign. Enjoy your relationship with him but be ready to let him go at a moment's notice. This guy's smart and wanting to do with wild oats thing before he settles down and I hardly blame him. He still a very young man.


If your love was meant to be, he will return.

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What is this, "he's scared you may be the last women he will ever be with" stuff. Is he suffering from a deadly illness? I hope not. On second thought, maybe he realizes that nobody knows if there will even be a tomorrow and he wants to "live for today" and treat you like you are the last woman he will ever be with. Sounds like a melodrama.


I think it is too early to be talking about marriage and stuff. He could possibly benefit from having a chance to explore before settling down.


All things will come to an end one day for each and every one of us. Just because you know something will eventually end is no reason to not enjoy what you have right now. However, even though we all know our days are numbered, we still have to live our lives with future goals in mind and plan for the future.


His feet don't sound like they are any colder than yours and for good reason. Things have moved along pretty fast. You two have enjoyed a very special piece of life. But, if you don't see a future with this guy, then break it off as soon as possible, so both of you can move on to other things and other people.

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Falling Apart

Out of curiosity what are both of your ages?

I have been in a wonderful relationship with a guy that may be the man of my dreams -- he's everything I could ever want. We have had some awesome memorable moments as well as the worst (we've almost broken up a few times). Each time, our love has brought us back together. I have never felt this intensity of love for another person and neither has he. We've moved pretty quickly -- becoming live-in couples at two months into our relationship. We've even spoken about marriage.. he proposed to me a few times but I have always been hesitant at moving so quickly.


The thing is.. he's 5 years my junior. This has presented a few problems lately. Although we have a great relationship and great sex... we do get into our share of arguments. I'm not sure whether it's the fact that he IS quite young (20) or something else. He's also been getting "cold feet" about being in such a committed relationship. He's been completely honest about his feelings towards this -- he feels that he may selfish to himself for not having had "lived"... "not having experienced being a 20 year old kid" (he's had a pretty harsh life). He feels that although he loves me more than anything, he's scared of the fact that "I may be the last woman he will ever be with". I'm not sure how to feel about this. I'm glad that he was able to tell me honestly his feelings but I'm wondering whether it would be in my best interest to end things now if they're destined to end anyways. =(

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