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hehe Way to go D..... Now the car..... Whatzit gonna be?


Hmmmm a Mazda Miata or a Vette ????

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hehe Way to go D..... Now the car..... Whatzit gonna be?


Hmmmm a Mazda Miata or a Vette ????


I hate Vettes..ugh. But I'll be SO jealous if she gets a Miata!


But the idea here is that DG is pampering herself a bit. Good for you! You deserve it. I mean if you won't do it for yourself, hell how can you expect someone to do it for you, right?

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On a lighter side, OMG I JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST MAJOR PURCHASE!!! I bought a TV all by myself! A 37" sucker too! Wheeeeeeeee this is the biggest purchase I've ever made all by myself. Got it on sale, and even got them to give me a little more discount on the sale item. Wheeee :) I hope I made the right decision but it feels good :)


WOW!!! and I thought I did good going out and buying a new pair of jeans tonight.

Everytime you watch that TV you can tell yourself I bought that on my own. I think that is great and that is just another piece of the puzzle to the new "YOU". CONGRATS dgiirl


Touche, I have to agree with you, I don't like Vettes either, the TV was a lot better purchase.

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Don't yah just love big TVs...:love:


I fell like I'm living in a theatre..my TV has 10" over my old one..:laugh:

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Mine's 22" diff!!! I left my old tv in Mtl, and have this little dinky tv for the last 4 months... I got use to it, but friends and the superintendent make fun of me lol


I'm getting them to deliver it, so I have to wait till it arrives. Should be in a few days!!! I cant wait :):bunny: :bunny: :bunny: I just measured the dimensions and it's going to be HUGE!... it looks so small in the stores, but damn it's going to be huge!

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hehe Way to go D..... Now the car..... Whatzit gonna be?


Hmmmm a Mazda Miata or a Vette ????


lol dont I wish :) I actually have a newish car. It was the first major purchase my ex and I did together that was purely for me a few months b4 he left! AND we almost did the handmedowns of him getting the new car and I taking his old car. We also almost bought a cheaper car and less frills. He made me feel guilty for wanting a brand new car with all the frills like power windows lol I was so blind to see how selfish he was. But I'm so happy I stood my ground and got the car I wanted. Especially after all that happened. I find it slightly morbidly funny that the one time money was spent on me, he split.



But the idea here is that DG is pampering herself a bit. Good for you! You deserve it. I mean if you won't do it for yourself, hell how can you expect someone to do it for you, right?


You are SO right!! I need to be able to spoil myself. If I dont see the worth of spending money on me, why would anyone else. And I shouldnt feel guilty about doing so.



WOW!!! and I thought I did good going out and buying a new pair of jeans tonight.

Everytime you watch that TV you can tell yourself I bought that on my own. I think that is great and that is just another piece of the puzzle to the new "YOU". CONGRATS dgiirl


You're right PW! I'm going to be proud every time I watch this tv :) Ah retail therapy can do wonders :) lol


:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

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Mine's 22" diff!!! I left my old tv in Mtl, and have this little dinky tv for the last 4 months... I got use to it, but friends and the superintendent make fun of me lol


I'm getting them to deliver it, so I have to wait till it arrives. Should be in a few days!!! I cant wait :):bunny: :bunny: :bunny: I just measured the dimensions and it's going to be HUGE!... it looks so small in the stores, but damn it's going to be huge!


I can see it now... You get up to get a drink and "smack" your face of the screen... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: .. be careful...:p


Just think you can rearrange your furniture... :) Thats always fun..:rolleyes: ..:p




When I got mine... I sat there like I had never seen tv before...:lmao: :lmao:


ilmw Quote: "I love my TV"...:laugh: :laugh:

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so between now, and 4 hrs from now, i should have my TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :lmao:



I had such a weird dream last night. Of course it had to be about asshat. I was on a journey with him and some other woman, and we were taking this really long walk. At times, I looked like crap, sometimes I looked great. I was a little bit jealous of this other woman, but I mostly concentrated on where we were going. And during our journey, ex and I talked a little bit. I was mostly trying to get him to open up and talk to me, to rely on me, to depend on me, and he simply refused. Near the end of the journey, I started looking smokin hot. I had a really good hair day lol :lmao: And both the ex and this other woman mouths just dropped open... And I just decided to start to walk by myself. As i was walking alone, ex started to follow a little, but not enough to keep up. Then I met a few of my guy friends and they were all shocked on how great I looked and told me this other woman has nothing on me. The ex isnt too happy with her, but he's stuck. And he's too stupid to come back to you and you deserve so much better.

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so between now, and 4 hrs from now, i should have my TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :lmao:



I had such a weird dream last night. Of course it had to be about asshat. I was on a journey with him and some other woman, and we were taking this really long walk. At times, I looked like crap, sometimes I looked great. I was a little bit jealous of this other woman, but I mostly concentrated on where we were going. And during our journey, ex and I talked a little bit. I was mostly trying to get him to open up and talk to me, to rely on me, to depend on me, and he simply refused. Near the end of the journey, I started looking smokin hot. I had a really good hair day lol :lmao: And both the ex and this other woman mouths just dropped open... And I just decided to start to walk by myself. As i was walking alone, ex started to follow a little, but not enough to keep up. Then I met a few of my guy friends and they were all shocked on how great I looked and told me this other woman has nothing on me. The ex isnt too happy with her, but he's stuck. And he's too stupid to come back to you and you deserve so much better.


Yaaah for the TV:D


Thats a pretty extensive/detailed dream... you should get one of those dream interpritation books..:laugh: ...


I find I rarely dream... or I just don't remember them...:laugh:


I go to bed...fall asleep.. wake up...:rolleyes: not very exciting stuff :laugh:


Do you have any popcorn to enjoy while you watch your new Tube:)

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Yaaah for the TV:D


Thats a pretty extensive/detailed dream... you should get one of those dream interpritation books..:laugh: ...


I find I rarely dream... or I just don't remember them...:laugh:


I go to bed...fall asleep.. wake up...:rolleyes: not very exciting stuff :laugh:


Do you have any popcorn to enjoy while you watch your new Tube:)


You havent had any d dreams? I envy you! I had tortuous dreams of waking up and being really happy that the divorce was only a nightmare, only to really wake up and realize that my nightmare was in fact reality. It was torture and lasted for months.


Yes, I do have popcorn!!! I've got a few movies I'm waiting to watch too lol :) I dont think you'll see me for a while guys lol

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Um, I've only just come across this thread. Sounds pretty lame, but it's great to read about how far you've come, how much you've done. I'm very, very glad for you. Well done! :)

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You havent had any d dreams? I envy you! I had tortuous dreams of waking up and being really happy that the divorce was only a nightmare, only to really wake up and realize that my nightmare was in fact reality. It was torture and lasted for months.


Yes, I do have popcorn!!! I've got a few movies I'm waiting to watch too lol :) I dont think you'll see me for a while guys lol


I do remember having a dream back in the summer... but it was a happy dream.about DW.. then I woke.. and realised... It was only a dream...:(


Haahaaaaaa:laugh: .. Yup I did the same when I got my new Tube too...;) Have fun:D :D

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Um, I've only just come across this thread. Sounds pretty lame, but it's great to read about how far you've come, how much you've done. I'm very, very glad for you. Well done! :)


lol Thanks :)


but, you have me confused on the "lame" part tho. :confused: My thread's lame? My life's lame? My asshat's lame? :lmao:

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:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:


it's here! it's here! it's here!


But i cant lift it out of the box :confused:


:( :( :( :( But it's here :bunny:

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YAY! Can you flip it over maybe and rip the box open from the opposite end? (Did that make sense?) Be sure to tell us how it is, ok? Don't forget about us now that you have your fancy, schmancy tv!:laugh:

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lol i was able to remove it from the box, kinda... The top half comes off... i just cant lift it off the ground to put on my tv stand lol so it's sitting in the bottom part of the box on the floor.


It's times like these that I miss being married

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I know..at least men are good at lifting things? lol! Can you slide it maybe since the bottom half is still in the box? Shoot, I don't know. Maybe ask a neighbor to help you for a second?

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lol i was able to remove it from the box, kinda... The top half comes off... i just cant lift it off the ground to put on my tv stand lol so it's sitting in the bottom part of the box on the floor.


It's times like these that I miss being married


Just tell people it is a floor model.. "yeah they are back in fashion... didn't you know"... well until you can get some help to lift it..:laugh:

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i'm trying to bribe my bro, waiting for him to return my call... otherwise, i'll get my gf, who lives a building away, to help.

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Do you have to worry about getting a sun tan from all the light that thing will put out???:lmao::lmao::lmao:


I can see the post tomorrow, sorry I stayed up WAY to late watching TV I had to call in sick...:laugh::laugh:

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Ok, so be honest now. Would you rather have the TV or the ex? :laugh: Hell, I know what MY answer would be! Ex? What ex?

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I can see the post tomorrow, sorry I stayed up WAY to late watching TV I had to call in sick...:laugh::laugh:


lol i work from home, so i'm not sure i could use that excuse :lmao:


Ok, so be honest now. Would you rather have the TV or the ex? :laugh: Hell, I know what MY answer would be! Ex? What ex?


ARE YOU NUTZ??? If i still had the ex, he'd be hogging MY TV ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. :lmao: I just need someone to lift it, then they can go bye bye :)

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Oh DG, you're SUCH a user aren't you? You just want a FWB! :laugh:


That was funny though. You made me laugh out loud. Damn, I have to get to work here.

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lol Thanks :)


but, you have me confused on the "lame" part tho. :confused: My thread's lame? My life's lame? My asshat's lame? :lmao:

Noooo! What I wrote sounds lame! :D

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lol no problem... i dont expect many to follow the divorce support forum :)


ok, so i finally pushed the tv out of the box to get the plugs and set it up on the floor... OMG i do NOT need my glasses to watch tv lol yipeeeee


k i really need to get some work done, but but there's a big tv on my living room floor... how can i work now?

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