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Oh boy, where to begin. I guess I'll get straight to the point. I was at a social gathering with friends. We had all had a bit to drink. On leaving my best friend's husband pulled me into a room and kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I know I kissed him back.


I'm so ashamed. My boyfriend and his wife where only in the other room when this happened.


I'm afraid he will tell his wife. What should I do?

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Ooh, toughy. Well, you do value your friendship with your friend so I think the best thing to do is tell her. This will be very hard and she probably won't be too happy with you, but I've found that honesty is the best policy when it comes to stuff like that. Tell her the honest truth, that your sorry, and it was just something that happened. Tell her that there is no chemistry or anything between you and her husband and that nothing has happened before and nothing should happen again, and if it does she'll be the first one to know.


This will put quite a strain on your friendship for a while because she'll most likely be thinking that you initiated it or seduced her husband. She won't want to admit to herself that the man she loves and wants to spend the rest of her life with would do such a thing either, so she'll probablt blame you or say that you're lying.


However, she will realize that you are probably one of the best things that's happened to her and that she made a horrible mistake by doubting you. This is pretty much how women work. She'll forgive you in time, but give her some space at first if she seems to need it, but don't exclude her from your life. Ask her to go out with you occasionally and just let her redeem you or whatever.


On the other hand, she might just flat out believe your story and not much will change between the two of you. In either case, if you've been friends for a long time, chances are something like this won't be able to come between you. Just stick to honesty and you won't get caught in any lies.



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Eventually, someone will tell someone else. It's best you confront the wife before someone else does, or else it will seem like you betrayed that person and had no remorse about doing so. If you value your relationship at all, you'll tell her this.

Oh boy, where to begin. I guess I'll get straight to the point. I was at a social gathering with friends. We had all had a bit to drink. On leaving my best friend's husband pulled me into a room and kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I know I kissed him back. I'm so ashamed. My boyfriend and his wife where only in the other room when this happened.


I'm afraid he will tell his wife. What should I do?

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