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BTW w/ 20 year old to get pregnant?

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Hi...first new thread for me....kinda nervous...


I'm a 34 year old independent self sufficient happy single woman. I am being persuited unrelentlessly by a 20 year old man for a fun, no strings relationship. He is very attractive to me and it's a tempting situation but I have discouraged him up until now. For some reason, the last time we spoke I told him that I wanted to get pregnant, I'm 34, bioclock ticking etc. I was thinking it would scare him off. Well, quite the opposite. He agreed to assist me in getting pregnant and then sign papers to relinquish parental rights. I'm actually considering it. Am I out of my mind? Is this 20 year old capable of realizing what he's offering me?

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Yes you are out of your mind!! I am 22 with a 17 year old son. His father didn't stay around long enough to see me pregnant and it was the most emotionally draining situation of my life!! That is such a backwards way of thinking!! It is so important for a child to have two loving parents! Thankfully I found someone who loves us both and takes care of us. Not many women in my shoes have or will find that. I think you have a complete misconception about parenting, and I'm saying that as a parent. It might makes sense to you now, but I swear to you it won't after you go through with it!! And trust me, he isn't just going to give up parental rights. It sounds to me like he is working over time to get you in bed. How immature is he??? "Oh yea, I'll give you my seed but then I'm out, you take care of the kid". WTF????


MY first advice is to stay away from this kid. Secondly, I suggest reading up on some child psychology or reading some parenting books. It is a whole lot harder than you think!!


When I was younger I used to have this all planned out in my head. I was going to find someone to get me pregnant, but make sure that he knew I wanted to raise my child myself. It just seemed so perfect... NOT!! And then when it actually happened... it broke my heart. for a year I cried almost every day. Still do sometimes. A day doesn't go by I don't kick myself in the butt for being so careless and not picking a suitable dad for my son. Please please reconsider this insanity!


What are you going to tell your child when he grows older and wants to know about his real father? "Oh hunny, some cute guy wanted to f*** mommy really bad so I told him to get me pregnant and then he just signed his parental rights over to me because he didn't give a f*** about you"

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! I am 22 with a 17 year old son.


Whoa. Pregnant at 5. What has the world come to?


I know... I'm an a-hole.

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Whoa. Pregnant at 5. What has the world come to?


I know... I'm an a-hole.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Oops... yea, it was a tough pregnancy for sure!! My belly weighed more than I did! :laugh:

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:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Oops... yea, it was a tough pregnancy for sure!! My belly weighed more than I did! :laugh:


Do you mean 32 ?

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Ok, lemme clarify everything.... I am 22 and my son is 17 months!! Is that better? Ok... *whew* :D

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Ok' date=' lemme clarify everything.... [b']I[/b] am 22 and my son is 17 months!! Is that better? Ok... *whew* :D



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Am I out of my mind? Is this 20 year old capable of realizing what he's offering me?




I am going to frank with you: it is a very bad idea. And yes, the 20 year old guy doesn't know what he is saying!


I understand what it is like to hear your own biological clock ticking. (I am 33, and a mother of 3.) But you are not doing this in the best interest of your child. Motherhood is a very, very difficult job. And it doesn't pay your bills!!


I'd recommend that you seek counseling/therapy to get this 'nesting instict' resolved. Or you can read some books on the subject if you are more of the do-it-yourself type. However, do not have a child with this guy!

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