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g/f cheated with my best friend

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Ok, here we go.


My g/f cheated on me with my best friend. It was a messed up night to begin with. She was really really drunk and she tooks some painkillers as well (NO EXCUSE). We got in a big fight before hand and she ended up going over to his house. I found out and went over there and caught them in the same bed.


Heres the story, I guess they started to have sex but "apparently" she stopped it after thinking of me. Things were weird for a couple days. We had a couple talks where she admited what she did and knows it was wrong...she didn't seem very sincere at first. (I think she was completly shellshocked for these days) Then last night, we ended up at a mutual friends bon fire and everyone there didn't give her the time of day and I think it finally sunk in what had taken place.


Today we had a very long talk and she wants me back and she says she will be committed to me 100% She said she is going to stop drinking and partying. She said she had no idea why it happened the way it did and she completly hates herself for what happened. I'm just not sure if I should continue this because the trust is out the window, but I STILL have strong feelings for her, this is all very confusing.


A couple options I guess:

1) Take the bitch back and see if she changes, if so, continue the relationship.


2) f*** the bitch (literally) and then f*** the bitch and kick her to the curb.


3) This is where yall come in, I need ideas!!


As for the so called best friend (BACKSTABBER) I will never speak to him again and he lost alot of respect by ALOT of people that we both know. If I were any lesser of a man I'd be in jail right now for aggravated assualt or murder and thats not a joke.


Thanx for listening,


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your gf seems like the typical selfish person we hear about so much on these boards.



Not only did she do the whole cliche "have a fight with ur bf then run to another guy" scenario, it was your best friend. On top of that she was 'drunk and on painkillers' Unless this chick can produce beer from her nipples she just isn't worth it.


I mean, come on now, she almost screwed your best friend. You say she claims they almost had sex, but she stopped because she was thinking of you. How can you even believe that when you yourself caught them in bed? It wasn't her caring about you that stopped it, it was you catching them in bed that "reminded her of you" She can prattle on to you all she wants about how she wants to be with you and all this garbage, but thats cuz she got caught in a skanky situation and, from what you described, plenty of people know and did not approve, so of course she's not gonna go frolicking around with your friend, she's gonna try to get back with you.


Even if she is sincere, which after her previous behavior I'd doubt, you just need to wonder if the type of girl you want is one who almost has sex with your best friend simply because you have a fight


She honestly isn't worth the time anymore, not only did she get with your friend, but she did it because you had a fight, what happens next time you fight? You're gonna have that constant worry, drop her, ive seen twinkies with more worth.

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If you love her enough and think she's worth it, give her another chance. If not, end it now.


Her words right now mean nothing. Her promising you to stop drinking and partying mean nothing UNTIL she actually DOES it in action...


As for your bestfriend? Shame on him. He just lost his bestfriend...

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Tell her that she has to have anal sex with you every day for a week if she really wants to show that she's committed to you. Make it hurt (A LOT!) then tell her to get lost.


As for your best friend... I wouldn't recommend the same approach.

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Ok, here we go.


My g/f cheated on me with my best friend. It was a messed up night to begin with. She was really really drunk and she tooks some painkillers as well (NO EXCUSE). We got in a big fight before hand and she ended up going over to his house. I found out and went over there and caught them in the same bed.


Heres the story, I guess they started to have sex but "apparently" she stopped it after thinking of me. Things were weird for a couple days. We had a couple talks where she admited what she did and knows it was wrong...she didn't seem very sincere at first. (I think she was completly shellshocked for these days) Then last night, we ended up at a mutual friends bon fire and everyone there didn't give her the time of day and I think it finally sunk in what had taken place.


Today we had a very long talk and she wants me back and she says she will be committed to me 100% She said she is going to stop drinking and partying. She said she had no idea why it happened the way it did and she completly hates herself for what happened. I'm just not sure if I should continue this because the trust is out the window, but I STILL have strong feelings for her, this is all very confusing.


A couple options I guess:

1) Take the bitch back and see if she changes, if so, continue the relationship.


2) f*** the bitch (literally) and then f*** the bitch and kick her to the curb.


3) This is where yall come in, I need ideas!!


As for the so called best friend (BACKSTABBER) I will never speak to him again and he lost alot of respect by ALOT of people that we both know. If I were any lesser of a man I'd be in jail right now for aggravated assualt or murder and thats not a joke.


Thanx for listening,



She cheat on you. Cut and F**king dry. Good ol' scapegoatee alcohol. EVERYone uses that one. In this case,...its good...for you. You have,...all in one day,....uncovered that your girlfriend is a selfish, two-timing, backstabbing, attention whore, with a drug and alcohol abuse problem. I say, bravo. You uncovered more in one day than many do about their spouses in 10 yrs. Now move on. No,...DONT play any immature games. How about you REMAIN the only adult in all this by maturely ending it and telling the bitch she is welcome to her selfish, drug infested life, but, you want no part of her or it, any longer. And tell your "friend" hes an a55hol.e


Any friend that would betray the ultimate trust like that,....would stab you in the back in ALL facets of 'friendship' in a heartbeat. Get rid of him. (BTW,....HIS a55,...you can kick)

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If you love her enough and think she's worth it, give her another chance. If not, end it now.


Her words right now mean nothing. Her promising you to stop drinking and partying mean nothing UNTIL she actually DOES it in action...


As for your bestfriend? Shame on him. He just lost his bestfriend...



People who promise anything under the sun on a whim, in the heat of the moment are doing nothing else but proving how selfish they really are. How could she have possibly given 'not partying' or drinking a moments thought?? She didnt. She just said that because she thought that would be something that you would want to hear. I find that insulting. Her promises are nothing more than selfish attempts to getting her out of trouble. S-E-L-F-I-S-H. Its all about HER HER HER.

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Man I'm sorry your got s***ted over in both directions! Screw em both man..I know it will be hard to do but do you want to be with someone that low??? She not only cheated on you and thought nothing of it, but cheated on you with your best friend knowingly this could be devastating to you, Typical selfish girl:)


I meen sorry but let her learn her lessons of loosing you forever, I'm sure you will make your own choice, but you will only be digging your self in deeper, Thats what they all say, after cheated they say there going to be 100% this that blahablahblah


Heal and move on, you will find someone better with time

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Forgive her but let her go with love.


I do not believe in 2nd chances after infidelity. I know it is possible, and I've known many people to do so and even go on to get married & be happy and all that... but it takes ALOt of work to get over the lack of trust / resentment / anger issues that will inevitably come up. And I'm sorry - that is just TOO much work IMO, when you can go out and meet someone new who will love and RESPECT you and the rel'ship enougth NOT to cheat.


WHY settle for a cheater? It just makes no sense to me. Yes, you love 'em - but you can love someone ELSE who will love you even better than the cheater.


Good luck!



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1) Take the bitch back and see if she changes, if so, continue the relationship.


2) f*** the bitch (literally) and then f*** the bitch and kick her to the curb.


3) This is where yall come in, I need ideas!!


As for the so called best friend (BACKSTABBER) I will never speak to him again and he lost alot of respect by ALOT of people that we both know. If I were any lesser of a man I'd be in jail right now for aggravated assualt or murder and thats not a joke.


Thanx for listening,



If the two of you don't have kids together or any large mutual assets consider this a blessing in disguise and get as far away from that skank as you can. It takes TONS of seriously hard work to get the relationship back on solid ground and you will be left on a rollercoaster for hell through this process for YEARS. She chose to do this with your best friend, that speaks volumes about her complete lack of respect for you and the fact she has no boundaries.


You have seen her true colors, and they aren't pretty. Be happy you didn't find out what she's really like ten years into a marriage with four kids and cut her loose!

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Sal Paradise

She probably slept with him and has wanted to for a while. And even if she didn't so what? She still cheated regardless if she finished the act or not.


She did this with your best friend. Cheating in my eyes is unforgiveable. Cheating with a friend or relative is so horrific I can't imagine even being able to look at this person again. I seriously suggest dropping this slut before she really screws up your life. If you forgive her you can almost count on her doing this again. She not only robbed you of your trust for her and broke your heart. She and this guy also destroyed a friendship. You have to be a pretty malicious person to do that to someone you claim to love. To be honest I would call into question whether or not she loves you at all. What she did is emotional abuse. Its disgusting and should not be forgiven.


If you do howver decide to forgive her I would only do it if she quites drinking, goes into therapy and agree's to never contact this guy again under any circumstances. No phone calls, no random run ins, no internet discussions, NOTHING.


Good luck. My heart goes out to you.

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kitten chick

What did you two fight about? Did you push her into this? Probably. Either way, just break up with her and don't use sex as a weapon. For the guy that told you to have anal and to make it hurt as much as possible I really hope that this happens to you, guys like you deserve to get the s*** kicked out of them.

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For the guy that told you to have anal and to make it hurt as much as possible I really hope that this happens to you, guys like you deserve to get the s*** kicked out of them.


Funny, coming from the same genius who said this:


What did you two fight about? Did you push her into this? Probably.


BS, she wasn't "pushed" into anything, unless her bf literally pushed her onto this guys bed and forced her to fool around with him, otherwise: I dont care what they were fighting about, if she's using that as an excuse not only is she more selfish than I thought, but she isn't very bright either. Reminds of when a little kid breaks something and tells his parents "i didnt do it" even tho he's an only child and nobody else was in the room.


Don't put others down for their comments after you've made an assinine statement like "did you push her into it? probably!"

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kitten chick
Don't put others down for their comments after you've made an assinine statement like "did you push her into it? probably!"

Well he probably did and I didn't put that guy down, I just reiterated what he said.

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Well he probably did


No he didn't. It is impossible for him to cause her to have sex(let alone with his best friend) unless he has some wacky super powers that mess with peoples heads, if not? then no. Otherwise it's just one of the many pathetic excuses I've seen on this board.


If this girl slept/fooled around with some guy cuz she had a fight with her bf, it isnt his fault. Its the girls fault who is ballsy enough to blame her cheating on her bf, when she's really just trying to cover up her own skanky tendencies.


and I didn't put that guy down, I just reiterated what he said.


*sigh* No.no you didnt, you must be confused, or just flat out ignoring what you said.


He said:Tell her that she has to have anal sex with you every day for a week if she really wants to show that she's committed to you. Make it hurt (A LOT!) then tell her to get lost.



You said:For the guy that told you to have anal and to make it hurt as much as possible eally hope that this happens to you, guys like you deserve to get the s*** kicked out of them.


Re-iterate means to repeat. Now, I dont see anything in his post about hoping the same situation happens to him or that he deserves to get the s*** kicked out of him. You "re-iterated" what he said, then added in your own little comments. So yes, I'd say you were putting him down, which I could care less about..besides the fact that the sentence before your put down has a comment that is even more assinine and childish and the post you were criticizing. Is that irony, hypocrisy? perhaps both I would think.

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That was a brilliant post :rolleyes: I'm sure this guy did something to his exgf, period, end of story.


This persons repsonse ..............transposed..........means.........If my boyfriend pissed me off real bad I do not see whats wrong with it.

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That was a brilliant post :rolleyes: I'm sure this guy did something to his exgf, period, end of story.


The translation to the above is as follows:


"I would do the same if my boyfriend pissed me off"

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The translation to the above is as follows:


"I would do the same if my boyfriend pissed me off"




You picked a good name 'Kitten Chick',...because you sound catty. Reading your posts actually makes people dumber. By your ridiculous, grade school, special Ed logic, ALL men are to blame when a woman cheats. I would be real curious to read your take on when a man cheats,......yeah....I would want to read it,...but I dont want to get dumber.

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Haven't read the replies...just randomly clicked your thread and read it. That really, really, sucks man. I mean WTF.


Ok, here we go.


My g/f cheated on me with my best friend. It was a messed up night to begin with. She was really really drunk and she tooks some painkillers as well (NO EXCUSE). We got in a big fight before hand and she ended up going over to his house. I found out and went over there and caught them in the same bed.


Heres the story, I guess they started to have sex but "apparently" she stopped it after thinking of me.


Lies. I don't care what anyone says. Lies all lies. She would've f***ed him if you didn't find them. Total bulls***. Drunk and on pain-killers, huh? Too bad the dose was low.


Things were weird for a couple days. We had a couple talks where she admited what she did and knows it was wrong...she didn't seem very sincere at first. (I think she was completly shellshocked for these days) Then last night, we ended up at a mutual friends bon fire and everyone there didn't give her the time of day and I think it finally sunk in what had taken place.


Today we had a very long talk and she wants me back and she says she will be committed to me 100% She said she is going to stop drinking and partying.


Bulls***. She's got problems.


She said she had no idea why it happened the way it did and she completly hates herself for what happened.


Good. She should. Tell her to keep drinking.


I'm just not sure if I should continue this because the trust is out the window, but I STILL have strong feelings for her, this is all very confusing.


A couple options I guess:

1) Take the bitch back and see if she changes, if so, continue the relationship.


2) f*** the bitch (literally) and then f*** the bitch and kick her to the curb.


3) This is where yall come in, I need ideas!!


Do what my friend did (he was cheated on...though his best friend wasn't involved) - he cut off all contact. When she contacted him, he went out of his way to make her feel like s***. Now, I don't particularly condone making your ex feel like s***, but NC is all for you and for you to heal. I said in an earlier thread, I would not want a woman back if she had cheated on me. I can control myself when woman makes a pass at me, why can't she? No excuses, man...


As for the so called best friend (BACKSTABBER) I will never speak to him again and he lost alot of respect by ALOT of people that we both know. If I were any lesser of a man I'd be in jail right now for aggravated assualt or murder and thats not a joke.


Thanx for listening,



Well, it goes without saying he's not your best friend anymore. For him, I'd cut contact and somehow turn the rest of your friends against him. It's political...a lot of cloak and dagger bulls***, but go out of your way to turn the group against him. f*** him. He's a piece of s*** for doing this to you.


Hope it all works out. You're the man for not losing it. Keep it together, and you'll come out on top of these undisciplined animals.




- Pantero

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Reading your posts actually makes people dumber.


I know that my IQ just dropped ten points or so, damn. Yeah, it's the betrayed person's fault that the girlfriend acted like a whore. Yup. It's not like if she was angry she could deal with her anger in a constructive way or anything. She had no choice but to go sleep with someone else, the poor thing!


Seriously: Her choices are her own. No one put a gun to her head. Trying to blame the victim in order to justify a person's bad behavior is rediculous.

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There is no "love" that is worth giving her a second chance. People in general cannot love someone they don't respect, and there is no chance she will respect you if you forgive this.


Don't be emotional, don't care. Just give a friendly smile and tell her "go get 'em, tiger".


She'll probably bang 10 guys with the emotional pain your dumping brings her.

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That was a brilliant post :rolleyes:


How would you know? you dont seem to possess the mental capacity to be able to read more than a few sentences without getting a migrain

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Well...I found out they actually did have sex.


Soooooo here's what I am going to do:


She begged and begged and begged for me to take her back so I am gonna be a complete f***ing dog of a man and take her back for only one reason, SEX.


Im going to f*** this bitch silly and then when I find another girl, drop the stupid whore like a heavy backpack full of rocks after hiking 20 miles on a hotass summer day in the Iraqi desert.



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Dude, is it worth it? Why would you risk your health on a skank? Tell her that you were planning to stay with her but you're disgusted enough with her that she's not even worth banging again.


Better yet, just wish her the best of luck with the next chump and walk away without a care in the world.

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Well...I found out they actually did have sex.


Soooooo here's what I am going to do:


She begged and begged and begged for me to take her back so I am gonna be a complete f***ing dog of a man and take her back for only one reason, SEX.


Im going to f*** this bitch silly and then when I find another girl, drop the stupid whore like a heavy backpack full of rocks after hiking 20 miles on a hotass summer day in the Iraqi desert.




You are acting out of anger. f*** that, dude, that is a lame response to being hurt and it will only end up coming back to bite you in the butt later on. Yeah, use her for sex and then she'll get pregnant and you'll end up paying child support to a chick you hate, and f***ed out of anger. Or use her for sex and get an STD.


Since when does being hurt by someone else allow you to hurt them in return? That is so sad. So empty and painful. So useless and self-degrading. So pointless.


Move on, it would hurt her more if you left without any additional interaction with her. Otherwise you end up being the bad guy and she can move on without remorse, because you responed to her infidelity with abusive, cruel behavior.


So you could leave now, without using her for sex, and have more revenge. Or you could use her for sex and she can extricate herself from the relationship without too much remorse.

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