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g/f cheated with my best friend

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Like the other posters say just leave her and throw her to the curb. Think about it, you catch right when they have just finished having sex, you see it with your own eyes. Think that's ever gonna go away?? And it doesn't matter whether you're drunk or drunk, still she knew what type of situation she was getting into to and should not have been drinking at out nor drink to the point you're wasted, pathethic behavior, NO EXCUSE, you know better. Uisng her just fro sex, how on earth are you thinking of that when she got screw by your friend, she's not worthy it. If you do that and she ends up pregnant or you catch an STD, then it'll be your fault for not acting like an adult while she won't have any remorse at all. Revenge is for little 5-10 year-olds.

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Well...I found out they actually did have sex.


Soooooo here's what I am going to do:


She begged and begged and begged for me to take her back so I am gonna be a complete f***ing dog of a man and take her back for only one reason, SEX.


Im going to f*** this bitch silly and then when I find another girl, drop the stupid whore like a heavy backpack full of rocks after hiking 20 miles on a hotass summer day in the Iraqi desert.




You arent fooling a soul, pal. You WANT to take this chick back. Thats why you went immediately into your justification of it. Please.......sex,...gimme a break. You want to stick it in where another guys d**k was while she was cheating on you. I say.....P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. Go back to her if you want,...but, spare us the B.S.

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This is what happened in my married relationship, but I was the guilty party. What a mess it has made of my life, but thankfully my husband loves me and decided to forgive me.


I have a history of doing stupid things when I get drunk (usually on an empty stomach). This last episode woke me up to the reality that A) I need to grow up & B) I have a drinking problem. I'm 32 and successful in my profession, but i've always led a "secret life" of drugs and alcohol. Never on the job, but hard in my off time. I'm a loving, good person...until I drink. When I'm drunk, I'm selfish and reckless and love attention.


See if your girlfriend is willing to go to a therapist. It's likely she has some issues that lead to her drinking. And since that night, I guarantee she is carrying around guilt and shame. She's admitted fault and she could likely keep beating herself up into a state of depression. AA meetings have a rep for being a bunch of winers, but it would also be good to hear other people's stories of recklessness. Alcoholism can only be self-diagnosed, so send her to a meeting and see what she thinks.


My husband and I were planning to get pregnant, and we did the ovulation chart. 2 weeks after the night (which involved only 4 pumps, a condom, and guilt...we stopped before he came) my husband and I conceived. I hadn't told him yet about that night. I told him 2 weeks later (after Thanksgiving) and found out we were pregnant soon after. Now, I've gone almost the whole 9 months with the guilt that this pregnancy is tainted. My husband puts on a happy face, loves my belly, and has big hopes for us; but in the back of his mind he has to wonder if it's his. We can't believe we're in this predicament; we seem like normal, successful, fun people. We'll be getting a paternity test to ease his mindn as soon as the baby's born. I'm scheduling a C-Section, b/c I feel I don't deserve a natural pregnancy and just need to get this all behind us ASAP. I beat myself up every day and can't let go of the guilt. I don't know if I ever will.


Give your girlfriend a second chance and see what she does with it. It's hard to quit drinking (unless your pregnant), so try to support her. My husband cut back but still drinks daily and smokes his pot. He also started smoking again, which kills me...but what can I say. He's stressed out, and I hope he quits after the baby. I wish he wouldn't drink around me, b/c people drinking stink and get on my nerves. I see other drunk girls, and it's like looking into a mirror. I never want to be that way again. It's been a hard 8.5 months, but I've never felt better. I feel free! I get so much more accomplished in a day. I've gained the right amount of weight with pregnancy. I go to the gym. I feel real.


Good luck to your girlfriend. You know who she really is. Support her in believing in that person and keeping that side of her safe and alive.

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Is it just me or is this thread well on its way to the gutter…



Here is my 2ct. She has a drug/alcohol problem and she cheated on you, with your friend no less. I think that pretty much shows you what kind of person she is. Is she really worth a second chance?? Not sure, in the end that is your decision. If she really wants it to work then she will need a lot of time to get her head straight and to be able to show you that she is worth it and can be trusted again.


Now as far as your plan goes, give me a break. You have the chance to be the bigger person and just let her go. Why sink yourself to a similar level to do this to her, what are you really going to get out of hurting her other than the risk of some kind of STD. Or even better you could develop even more feelings for her and then get slammed again when she screws up again.


Grow up, walk away and find something better for yourself.

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I'd say walk away. Don't even bother using her for sex, because it will make you feel worse. As you can see, you struck a nerve with your last post (lol).


Man to man: don't waste another minute of your time, bro. Drop her, drop your former best friend, and turn the tide. Those two idiots deserve each other. She'll keep drinking, he'll be a dick - nothing will change. They'll both end up destroying each other whereas you've cut the line and freed yourself from a world of trouble.


And I know revenge will be on your mind constantly. Don't live your life to try to get back at someone. Live for yourself. And in the end, that will be the best revenge you can dish out to anyone.


Good luck and Godspeed.

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She did it because she wanted to hurt you and she probably really is sorry. Trust me, I'm a girl. I know these things. She wanted to hurt you in the worst possible way.


As for your friend, he's not your friend. He had sex on the brain and not you.

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Honestly, man. Don't have sex with her, don't even communicate with her.


I found out my girlfriend was cheating with my best friend a week ago, and honestly it hurts like hell. I'm going through the same s*** as you. But the last thing you want to do is cheapen the memories you have of your relationship by having cheap sex. Not only that its putting you at risk of STD's, also perhaps having you two reconcile or maybe even worse get pregnant. What she did was selfish and immature. Dump her now! Cut off all contact, in the end you're doing yourself a huge favor and consider yourself lucky that your friendship with your friend ended now, and so did your relationship with her.


Take time to heal, and meet new people.

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Well...I found out they actually did have sex.


Soooooo here's what I am going to do:


She begged and begged and begged for me to take her back so I am gonna be a complete f***ing dog of a man and take her back for only one reason, SEX.


Im going to f*** this bitch silly and then when I find another girl, drop the stupid whore like a heavy backpack full of rocks after hiking 20 miles on a hotass summer day in the Iraqi desert.




everyones telling you not to do this, and i agree, to an extent, but not for the same reasons.


First of all, if you DID bang her, then leave her, she deserves every second of it. Kinda like in the movie dazed and confused, ben aflecks character was an a-hole to everyone, but in the end he got his, maybe that taught him a lesson, and maybe this'll teach your gf one, she 100% deserves it


If you're gonna bang and leave, just do it once, cuz if you continually still sleep with her you might develop feelings again and not wanna leave, if you REALLY wanna be an ass, make her let you do anal on her and say its cuz you dont wanna catch any std's from her skank ass, then when youre done leave. It might sound cruel, but it'll prevent her from doing this to anyone else

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But the last thing you want to do is cheapen the memories you have of your relationship



Heres the thing: Why be concerned about cheapening the memories of someone who 100% does not love, care, or even respect you? The last thing he should be worried about is immortalizing the "good times" he had with this skank, cuz to me, they'd all be lies.

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Heres the thing: Why be concerned about cheapening the memories of someone who 100% does not love, care, or even respect you? The last thing he should be worried about is immortalizing the "good times" he had with this skank, cuz to me, they'd all be lies.


WTF!! Damn Spectre - I thought more of you dude. I read many of your posts in the past too. I now think you ALSO need some serious help AND counsiling. Your advice would even cause DOGS jump!


Seriously man, I don't think you should take Spectre's advice or anything of the such. Leave on good terms. It would make YOU feel better and she'll feel WORSE. Sit down for a while and write down how you feel about the relationship and what she did. Make it sound perfect and remember it, man. When you see her again (not over the phone), say it to her from the heart.... turn.... and walk away. This would be the KILLER ending!!! This is the best way to break her down. Not only will she feel worse (rather than the sex scenario), but your words would cause her to examine herself and what she did closely... she will learn her leason...



There are 3 types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't... ~Anonymous

[email protected]

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Haven't read the replies...just randomly clicked your thread and read it. That really, really, sucks man. I mean WTF.




Lies. I don't care what anyone says. Lies all lies. She would've f***ed him if you didn't find them. Total bulls***. Drunk and on pain-killers, huh? Too bad the dose was low.




Bulls***. She's got problems.




Good. She should. Tell her to keep drinking.




Do what my friend did (he was cheated on...though his best friend wasn't involved) - he cut off all contact. When she contacted him, he went out of his way to make her feel like s***. Now, I don't particularly condone making your ex feel like s***, but NC is all for you and for you to heal. I said in an earlier thread, I would not want a woman back if she had cheated on me. I can control myself when woman makes a pass at me, why can't she? No excuses, man...




Well, it goes without saying he's not your best friend anymore. For him, I'd cut contact and somehow turn the rest of your friends against him. It's political...a lot of cloak and dagger bulls***, but go out of your way to turn the group against him. f*** him. He's a piece of s*** for doing this to you.


Hope it all works out. You're the man for not losing it. Keep it together, and you'll come out on top of these undisciplined animals.




- Pantero


Awesome Response . I could not have said it better.


No amount of alcohol is going to make you spread your legs and have sex with someone NO MATTER what you have heard in the past.


She had sex because she WANTED to and you said you came over and caught them....hrmmmmmm....I wonder what would have happened if you never found out about her drunken whorish stunt ?

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WTF!! Damn Spectre - I thought more of you dude. I read many of your posts in the past too. I now think you ALSO need some serious help AND counsiling. Your advice would even cause DOGS jump!


First of all, you quoted something completely different. Second of all, I never flat out told him to do this, but if he's going to, he should just do it once, continually sleeping with her would just be a mistake, but that doesnt mean she doesnt deserve it. Third, it wasn't my idea, I was simply elaborating on his. Everyone deals with grief differently, this dude just might feel better doing what he said he would instead of leaving on good terms. So if he IS going to do it, I gave him some advice on a good scenario, trust me: when a skanky b*tch breaks your heart cuz she cant keep her legs closed, you have a lot of time to think of cruel ways to get her back, and if I cant do it, why not someone else? heh, and my dogs right next to me, and she didnt jump, she just layed down *shrug* but then again she isnt the jumping type


See, its an endless cycle. A female f*cks with a guy, cheats on him, turns him into an a-hole. With his next gf, he's an a-hole to her, which turns her into a b*tch, so in her next relationship, she cheats, thus starting the cycle all over, ahh..the circle of life.

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