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What is "on the rebound?"


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I would like both a man's and woman's definition of "being on the rebound." A friend told me once that "Being on the rebound is when either your heart is unwilling and you head tells you to go ahead or your head is unwilling and your heart tells you to go ahead." What would your definition be?

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i thought it means dating/sleeping with someone just to help yourself get over somebody else, or possibly a break-up...

I would like both a man's and woman's definition of "being on the rebound." A friend told me once that "Being on the rebound is when either your heart is unwilling and you head tells you to go ahead or your head is unwilling and your heart tells you to go ahead." What would your definition be?
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hi flip flop,


"being on the rebound" is when a person becomes involved with someone very shortly after the end of a significant relationship, and sometimes begin before the end. the problem with a rebound is that it doesn't allow time for a person to get over a break up.


when people break up, there is often a strong urge to get back together. but if there was a break up, it was obviously for a good reason right? some people find getting involved with another person a good way to resist running back to their ex, no matter who initiated the break up.


getting involved with a person so soon after a break up ("on the rebound") can also be seen as a coping mechanism. another person will help them take their mind off their ex and get over them. the downfall of this is that once the rebound relationship has served its purpose, someone else ends up heartbroken. this can sometimes become a pattern for a person and leave them with no self-esteem when they wonder why their relationships never work out.


i once had an ex who started dating another girl straight after we broke up. even though he initiated the break up, he still wanted to be with me, even though he knew we broke up for a good reason and wasn't going to get back with me. he told me he didn't really know why he was with this new girl. i knew why...because he was on the rebound. i'd put money on it that it didn't work out with her. i wouldn't know though, because it was too tough for me knowing he was with someone else so i cut all ties.


rebound relationships rarely work out. you can avoid the pain of a rebound relationship by following one simple rule: stay away from new relationships until you know you are good and ready.


i hope this sheds some light on your query :)

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