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Electronic and real conversations

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Hi I got a question for everyone here, do you think electronic communication like e-mial and phones are giving people a chance to live two lives at the same time? I mean I'm razy in love with a girl, she is SO nice with me over the phone etc... We chat every night for about 30 minutes electronically, but at school she completely ignores me?? Is she fooling me or what or am I just her nightly "machine" she is talking to??

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I think our understanding of the psychology of electronic communication is lagging far behind our experience with it.


One thing that we all seem to notice, is that with electronic communication the usual barriers come down, and people tend to be much less inhibitied.


Sometimes the electronic version is closer to the *real* person, but sometimes it is an alter-ego exploring what feels more like a fantasy to them.


Only she can tell you for sure.

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I have known men who have been very different at a distance than they were in person. It seemed that the idea of being emotionally close is too threatening for whatever reason when they are right there looking you in the eyeballs, however at a safe distance, they feel free to cross their own (fear-created?) boundaries.


It's kind of wierd.

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Thanks for the responses.... :laugh:


No she is not shy, not even near being shy (I think???) from my experience with her. We actually have a long history. For some reason she totally freaked out about three months ago over nothing, and we ignored each other since then. But I REALLY like her, so I sent her a text message two weeks ago just asking hwo she is doing etc... She replied as if NOTHING happened, so I'm also acting as if nothing happened. Now we chat again electronically but she still ignores me at school. Very weird.....

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Just ask her straight up why she is doing it and see if she has a reason you consider to be fair.


If not, I think you should just tell her straight up that you don't appreciate being ignored. It's disrespectful of her to do that unless she has some really good reason why and you should never allow people to walk over you.

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