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hi curious,


is this covering letter you want to write for a job? if so, try using a search engine such as google.com or altavista.com and type in the search field "writing application letters".


you could even try going to a career site such as monster.com. quite often these sites have tips for writing covering letters and creating resumes.


of course, this is a relationship forum and you could be applying for a mail-order bride. if so, you can use the same format as a job application letter.


good luck :)

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How can I write an impressive covering letter?




Im presuming this is for a job or something but it depends on the type of job really.


If its sales job then sounding bubbly and up for the challenge can make a big difference, but its important not to be too in your face and sound arrogant or a know it all and assume the jobs yours before you get an interview.


Always be polite but not sickly charming. Make sure your spelling and grammar is spot on.


I have nearly always got the job ive applied for and the first immpression really does count!!


I'd start with a brief introduction about yourself keeping it short and to the point then link in your interest in writing to them and the position you are applying for.


Tell them how you fit the position briefly and how keen you are to find out more.


Its always good if the unusal part of the job, say for instance working in a particular industry that you know you have an interest or experience in helps and will make you stand out from the rest.


The important thing is to sound like someone who they could work well with and be a part of a team.


God luck

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YOU ASK: What are the advantages of WordPerfect?


I have never used Word Perfect so I guess the biggest advantage it has for me is that it is not installed on my computer.


However, while Word Perfect seemed to be the standard six or seven years ago, Microsoft Word has definitely taken over as the word processing program of choice in the majority of offices today.

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YOU ASK: What are the advantages of WordPerfect?


I have never used Word Perfect so I guess the biggest advantage it has for me is that it is not installed on my computer. However, while Word Perfect seemed to be the standard six or seven years ago, Microsoft Word has definitely taken over as the word processing program of choice in the majority of offices today.

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" covering" letter? WTF is that?


YOU ASK: What are the advantages of WordPerfect?


I have never used Word Perfect so I guess the biggest advantage it has for me is that it is not installed on my computer. However, while Word Perfect seemed to be the standard six or seven years ago, Microsoft Word has definitely taken over as the word processing program of choice in the majority of offices today.

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I'm not joking...first he breaks into his neighbor's apartment and steals a bunch of crap, the asks us about the issue of "trust"! Next he wants to know how to write a cover letter. Maybe he's the actual BIN LADEN!!! Really though, something is up with this a-hole!!!

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The term "covering letter" was in the original post way above posted by another Curious. It would really be nice if you could be original and pick another name to use here.

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This post comes from some foreign place where they are learning English. I guess we have to be nice hosts and sort of put up with them. Nobody fluent in the English language would write this stuff.


I seriously doubt we are dealing with terrorists here. They are lots smarter.

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Here's a perfect cover letter I wrote just for you. I give you permission to use it for yourself.


Curious George


123 Crack Street


State of Confusion


Republic of Schizophrenia


Dear Sir/Madam:


My name is Curious. I also go by other names but this is the one I am using now so if you don't like it you can kiss my pimply butt. If this is a Madam reading this, I am a man and I am more equal than you so go fetch me some coffee will you? I think you should hire me for the job because I am hip, I am cool, I'm a happenin' fool. I can flip burgers better than anyone's business. But don't make me work with girls because American girls are all lazy, users, have no boobs, wear too much makeup on their ugly faces and they shave their armpits. I would rather work with a pack of monkeys or a herd of elephants. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Give me the damn job you numbskull.


Thanks and have a lovely day,


Curious George Extraordinaire

How can I write an impressive covering letter?



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