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I stumbled upon my g/f talking to my friend when im not around and now im trippin

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As the title says.To make a long story short,my girlfriend and I have been with each other for 4 years now.We have never had arguments before like we have had this last month.Before last month our biggest arguments use to be "which side of the bed to sleep on " lol.Anyways,starting in may(may 3rd to be exact) she started talking to my friend(who has a fiance so I never even thought of the fact they would/could hook up) on the phone a lot while she was at work.(I found all this out thanks to the phone bill on may 16th).They would talk for an hour in the morning ,lunch ,and all in between.On may 9th she had a nervous breakdown and I had no idea why and she said she wanted to go live with her mom.I was like cool.If you need time go ahead.But what she did 2 days later really makes me feel uncomfratable.I asked if I could pick her up from work to go see a movie and she said her mom was picking her up.I was like cool,maybe we can go this weekend.So the next day I find out that she called my friend to pick her up and they went to the mountain and smoked weed and drank beer.She said she only had one beer.I got all this info out of her because I asked her.Im glad she told me but it would have been better if she told me without asking.Because now I wonder if she was ever gonna tell me.So taht makes me wonder if she was hiding anything.So im like whatever but it still bothered me inside.So on may 19th we start living with eachother again and im happy as hell but what she did still bothered me inside because I have this intuition they hooked up.So finally a few days later after we start living with eachother again I tell her we need to talk .I ask her if they hooked up and she said no.I kept hounding her and finally she says she was so sad that she tried kissing him but he denied her(which is hard to believe because shes hott)And she says they never did anything and the reason she hung out and talked with him is because he was cool.But still,hes my(was) friend and she shouldnt talk to him when Im not around.But she did and it makes me wonder.But why all the decieving.Should I trust her or am I being paranoid?How should I handle this situation?I love her to death but a lot of things shes done in the last month trip me out.Theres more things but ill elaborate later in the thread :)

The few months before she left I was paying more attention to work,selling stuff on ebay ,hanging out with friends,and working on my car.And i missed our 4 year anniversery (april 18th).Did I drive her to cheat on me.we are together now and we are happy but whenever I question her politly about the whole incident she gets mad.

Please help me.This is the best website I have found on relationships.This is my 1st post.Ill make a s/n soon here.Thanks everyone,have a great day

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