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Boyfriend's ex girlfriend


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Please could someone advise me how I can accept the friendship between my boyfriend and his ex...


She is in a different country and I know there is nothing to fear, except I fear the friendship - I can't handle the thought of my boyfriend being close friends with his ex - the only way of me being happy in the relationship is to either shoot her in the head or to accept their friendship! I presume the latter will be the right way to go! Is it common to have a close friendship with an ex?


I suppose it didn't help that he hides it from me as he knows it hurts me - this infuriates me more.

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You either accept her or you don't. If you want to stay with this guy (and not be homicidal), you might try yoga or something to take your mind off of it.


In order to get this out of your life you have to find out why you feel the way you do about this friendship. Your feelings may be very well founded and for good reason, in which case, you need to find a different boyfriend. But if you discover that you are jealous or insecure for some reason he does not deserve, then find out what that reason is and work toward eliminating it.

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