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What To think of mysterious cell number

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People will talk about how i shouldn't be snooping and you are right but i did. For some reason i was suspicious of this person in my b/f cell phone. Never heard of them although i am sure there are people we dont know in each other's lives. But--it seems they are calling each other. I wouldnt say a lot or tons of calls or anything. I copied the number down and called it and it says please wait while your party is reached and then classical music plays but noone picked up. Because the classical music played--i am thinking its a girl.. Does anyone know this function on a cell phone-can you choose the type of music being played as you wait or its just automatic..i am really nervous he hiding this girl under a guy's name..i wish this person would pick up so i knew. Please write back.

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Well if it's a cell phone yes the person can a set a call tone for a particualr number, so like you said when you called classical music played that could have been a call tone that the person set for callers to hear when they call the number. But my question is did you call from his number? your number? a different number? or did you block the number? I don't usually say it's ok to snoop but hey we all do it when we become suspsicious. So I would say try calling the number back from an odd number that has absolutely no connection to you, and see if the person picks up, I hope that your boyfriend isn't hiding anything though.


Good Luck.

By the way,

Did you listen to the person's voice mail?

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pay for a cell phone search. it will tell you the caller's name and address if its available. You can start wtih a white pages search just to be sure its a cell phone (because white pages doesn't have cell phones in its listings) it will say what town it is out of and the carrier, if that information is available then you can pay for a dearch (its not too expensive, $15 maybe) and that ought to give you some answers. I say go with your gut, if it seems like something is up, something is probably up.

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Cell phones in the US play hold music?! Really?


You can set a ring tone for a user, but that is the ringtone that is heard when they call you. Certainly here in the UK, there's no hold music on mobiles. Perhaps I'm wrong?


Was it definately a cell number and not an land line?

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Was it definately a cell number and not an land line?


It sounds like a work number not a cell phone..


Business's tend to use classical music because it fits a wider variety of people.


I think that people that get all worked up over snooping in someones phone need to get a life..


Unless he has given you a reason that he is cheating than you are stepping all over his privacy..

For all you know the number is work related..

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It sounds like a work number not a cell phone..


Business's tend to use classical music because it fits a wider variety of people.


Yeah does to me too....! Fits better.

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With my cell phone you can set a call tone, and some of the call tones that you choose you can make it sound like your calling a company (u know when you hear the classical music). It's a variety of call tones you can choose, currently on my cell phone callers hear beyonce's song "me meyself and I". So yea you can definitely choose from a variety.

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Yeah does to me too....! Fits better.


I would believe that it is a work number..

Doesn't mean that the girl isn't at work though..


I would like to know more info from Guest..


Why do you suspect he is cheating ?


It's a variety of call tones you can choose, currently on my cell phone callers hear beyonce's song "me meyself and I".




guest :

But no voice mail picked up ?

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With my cell phone you can set a call tone, and some of the call tones that you choose you can make it sound like your calling a company (u know when you hear the classical music). It's a variety of call tones you can choose, currently on my cell phone callers hear beyonce's song "me meyself and I". So yea you can definitely choose from a variety.


No s***! We don't get that!!!! :(


Over here you can change your ring tone you hear, so I hear one thing if it's a Friend calling me, another if it's business. But when you call someone it either rings, or rings then connects you to the answer phone.. no music anywhere....!!


So, I'm interested, forgive me OP...!! When do they hear the music, when it's connecting them? Like they dial and get the music rather than hear a ringing sound?

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No s***! We don't get that!!!! :(


Over here you can change your ring tone you hear, so I hear one thing if it's a Friend calling me, another if it's business. But when you call someone it either rings, or rings then connects you to the answer phone.. no music anywhere....!!


So, I'm interested, forgive me OP...!! When do they hear the music, when it's connecting them? Like they dial and get the music rather than hear a ringing sound?


There is one cell phone company I know of that you can program your cell phone so when you have a caller calling instead of hearing the ringing sound you will instantly hear music until vm or the person answers. NO classic ring tone. I don't remember which company it is, I think Sprint??:confused: I hate it when I call someone who has it. I think I dialed a tele-marketing agency or something.


Speaking of cell phones I get a new on on Weds.. Yippeee I get to rid myself of this peice of crap I have.. wooooooooooooooooooo.:laugh: In two years I have went through 5 of them. They keep breaking and shorting out on me. Darn things.. I'm gonna get the newest one on the market. It just came out and Verizon doesn't even have the advertizement brochures on it yet.. :rolleyes: It even has a IPod built into it..

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Well here it's sprint, t-mobile and I think verizon who currently has those calltones. All different types of call tones to choose from. At one point I had a call tone where when people would call my phone they would here this typewriter sound to indicate I was at work, and I had this other one where it would play some classical music and then would say "Please hold your friend will be with you in a moment" You can program to play at different times of the day or for different callers. It's really cool, well I think so.

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Thanks for clearing that up ladies...! How interesting... I'm sure it won't be long before we get that type of thing. It's good to know what's around the corner!! :)

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