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she says give her two weeks

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This about a girl who had a crush on me first.i was dating this girl for two months and over the months we were pretty much best friends.During are relationship i used to complain about her not calling me, telling her that if she didnt call me i would break up with her, i aslo said to her that if she still liked her ex i would break up with her for that to.


When we went to a school dance i fell in love with her and later she told me she was in love with me to. Sometimes when we were with her friends she was sort of distant and sometimes she wasnt. Also when we where around her ex she was distant and he is apart of her group of friends.The last day of our relationship she saw one of her friends hugging up on her ex boyfriendand i think it bothered her. Are last day together seemed pretty much perfect until we got to her friends house. It was me and her on a bed and i asked if she wanted to make out but she said no because her and her ex made out on the bed. She seemed pretty distant and on the bus ride home i asked her what happened on the bed. She said nothing was wrong and when I asked her was it because she made out with her ex on that bed she said yeah. I asked her did she still like him she said no but when i asked her would it bother her if her friend hooked up with him she said yeah. I got mad and later i called her and told her for the last two weeks you made me feel like crap ant that it isnt me its you. She cried and told me that it would be better if we were just friends. I cried and asked her why and she said she wasnt happy with me and when she kisses me sometimes she doesnt feel anything.I asked her if this was a break up or a break she said a break up She said that i might like her more than she likes me.


I dont know what happened in the two weeks but it was perfect and seemed perfect. About two hours before we broke up i asked if she loved me and she said yes. When i told her that i would break up with her if she still liked him she said that once i said that she started to like me more because she was afraid to lose me.


Two days after our brake up i was getting over her and i told her that I was ok with the break up and i hope we can remain friends, she told me that maybe we shouldnt break up and later that day we kissed. Then the next day she seemed distant again. I told her how sad i was and asked her if this was a break or a break up. She said it was a break and to give her two weeks.I am ok with giving her two weeks if I knew we would hook up in two weeks. I asked her ex ,who im pretty cool with, what should i do and he said give her time and dont give up. Im so confused and i want to be with her but i dont want to get hurt in two weeks. Im suffering with de ja vu because before we hooked up she said to give her a few weeks and i was able to get her.Its also strange because are third month aneversary is supposed to be when the two weeks end. I am so depressed without her i cant even eat anymore ,its hard for me to sleep and when i do i end up sleeping all the time, im lonely and i cry when i think about her. I have never felt this bad and i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemies. It hurts that i really dont know why we broke up and now i might lose someone who has been my best friend for two months.

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