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G/f cheated on me

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Hey ive read alot of things on here similar to mine but i still am unsure of what to do, well heres the story:


me and my g/f have been going out for a year and like 2 months and yesterday she admited to cheating on me with this guy jake, he goes to her school and she has told me about him but only says he helps her in math and they only talked about math in school. She also said that they have been talking for about a month now online and yesterday they went to this theme park together, she says she did not do anything with him - hug,kiss,slept with those things. I asked her did she like him and she said yea, but only as a friend, and i find that hard to believe because she tried to lie to me about it at first but then admitted to it afterwards. she said shes really sorry and she hates herself for doing that to me and all and i really love her and i dont want to lose her but i keep thinking about her cheating on me and i hate it. Its so hard to break up wiht her beacause im so close with her parents and we have so many plans together and her parents also bought me a ticket for a cruise were suppose to go on this christmas, i have no idea what to do but i know i love her to death but i dont think i could ever trust her. if anyone could give me some advice i would really appreciate it, thanks.

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ask jake if anythin intimate happened if u dont believe ur gf


then confront ur gf with whatever jakes told u


and then base ur decision on the convo u n ur gf have

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ask jake if anythin intimate happened if u dont believe ur gf


then confront ur gf with whatever jakes told u


and then base ur decision on the convo u n ur gf have




yea i did and i know almost surely that nothing intimate didnt happen not even hugging or kissing, but i did found out that they also went to the movies and to the mall with each other and that they have been tlaking to each other almost since we've been going out!!!! thats like a year! but she told me that shes going to stop and that she will never talk to him again and that she will never cheat on me again. she also said she wanted to be with me forever and shes very sorry and stupid for what she did, i just dont know what to do cause i love her so much but its so hard to live with someone knowing that she cheated on me, i guess i can give her a chance. and see how things work out... i found out jake really loves her too tho and that my g/f likes him alot.. but with every thing she promised i guess i can give her a chance... some advice would be really helpful right now-oh yea its also our 1 year and 2 months anniversary since we've been going out tommorow :(


thanks for your reply i really appreciate it

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If I were you, I'd tell her to f*** off and keep f***ing Jake.


I'm a hot-head when it comes to these things, but never trust a turncoat. I personally would not be able to look at my woman the same way if she hurt me like that.


Tell her "you hope the two of them will be very happy together", leave, and don't contact her ever again. She'll feel like s*** and she'll deserve it. If you're really lucky, it may even wreck her relationship with Jake.


She made her bed now let her sleep in it.

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Pretty much what pantero said


think about one of the last lines from your post: I love her to death


wouldnt you want someone who feels the same? judging by her actions, she doesn't

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I'm a hot-head when it comes to these things, but never trust a turncoat.


That is just awesome. It's so true!!!

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