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Crazy or not? 2

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This is a kind of long story.. I know everyone has one but I just want some feed back.. Tell me if I am crazy or what?

I was dating this girl in my office.. I know bad news I got out of there two months ago.. But while I was dating her.. She was always went out to lunch with her boss, happy hours and god knows what else.. He isn't good looking but is paying her pay check.. I suspected that he was sleeping with her but never had hard evidence.. She always told me that I was making things up in my mind.. I thought maybe I was, Until valentines day when he sent her a text page at 11pm wishing her happy valentines day ( which could mean nothing but who sends a text page at 11pm and that is her VP). Two weeks later she went to Vegas for work.. She called on Sat saying that he left and took a red eye home on Friday.. I had a funny and sick feeling that he stayed the weekend.. So I called the hotel to see if he had checked out on Sunday sure enough I was right.. Could he have just stayed there being friends with her and a her friend.. I doubted it..So I broke up with her then she contacted me about a month later trying to get back together. The night I got back together with her she recieves a text page from another guy in the office who is married and said 'i want to see you now' I know we were broken up she can see whom ever she wants to see.. But I couldn't handle that.. So I ended it again 2 weeks later..

After she introduced me to her parents.. I can't figure out why she introduce me to her parents? Was I over reacting.. She told me to go and see a doctor.. Not once but two or three times.. Maybe I maid all this stuff up in my mind.. Well with the VP anyhow.. Was I in the wrong of accusing of stuff all the time how can I trust someone in the future.. Help, tell me I am not crazy. BTW- she's 4 years older than me

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HI guys, I just joined the "loveshack" and pureluck i found your message really interesting, i think "bad news" sounds about right! unless you really really like this girl and think its worth sorting out this mess then I suggest you leave it alone. firstly, if she is involved with someone who is married at your work then i personally wouldn't want to be involved in that kind of situation, maybe this guy is senior to you? or maybe his wife also works or knows people who work with you. Secondly, anyone who comments on your mental state - it seems to me your question about her behaviour was totally logical, it's nice to know where you stand - may be trying to control or manipulate you. I have a flatmate who likes to play "mind games" and whenever i mention something about the way we all live together in our house she calls me "paranoid" which can be upsetting as this is not the case! She does it purely to throw me off whatever it is we are talking about, so my opinions or suggestions don't get heard or taken seriously, which is not fair. I think that when this girl says "its all in your mind" it is just to throw you off the real issue and doubt yourself. Trust your instincts, and hopefully it will all seem a clearer. Hope that helps! :)

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Hey didn't we tell you, you weren't crazy! :D Ok. forget that YOU ARE CRAZY!! Happy now???:p

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thanks rumors.. my life is in transition right now.. and I feel like its spinning out of control.. this situation didn't help things.. i currently own two houses and renting them both out. they are making me crazy.. just a lot to think about.I need to focus on some other things right now.. Thanks for your feedback.

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